Chapter Twenty

     Getting out of the tub, I dress in a white drawstring shirt and brown leather pants. Tucking the papers back into my bra, I leave the room and head to Gregory's office. I walk quietly through the halls once again checking my surroundings to make sure I am not being followed.

    Standing at the office door, I feel a thrill of graffitied excitement as I knock on the door.

     "Come in." Gregory's voice calls out.

    Walking in I see Evalene standing in front of his desk, talking in a hushed voice.

     "My king please reconsider, this is our son's future,” Evalene pleads.

    For the first time ever, I see actual rage on Gregory's face.

     "EVALENE! I have had enough of this conversation! I have other business to attend to, leave now,” he says in a brassy voice, slamming his hands down on his desk. The queen jumps in fright. She bows t
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