Ul’lanna spent the night in Yamada’s bed, with him sleeping next to Gwyneth, staring wide eyed at the ceiling. At the crack of dawn like a robot, Yamada opened his eyes, rolling to look off the bed.

He noticed Ul’lanna staring vacantly at the ceiling and let out a yelp, scurrying back. Gwyneth let out a groan and frowned, pulling him in tight.

“What’s wrong?” She asked. “Do Elves sleep with their eyes open?” Yamada nervously whispered.

Gwyneth peeked over his shoulder, seeing Ul’lanna’s stare.

“Maybe she sleeps with her eyes open?” “It’s bold of you two, to assume that I slept.” She said.

Yamada scratched his head. “Is the bed not comfortable?” He asked, poking it.

She craned her neck slowly towards him, her eyes bloodshot and bulging. “Do you not know who you’re sleeping next to? Or in!?”

He glanced over his shoulder to Gwyneth resting her head on his shoulder. He cocked an eyebrow at Ul’lanna and shrugged. “Gwyneth Lockhart?” He said hesitantly.

Ul’lanna leapt out of the bed pointin
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