Chapter 2571
"You fools! My boss is watching you from above! Do you think you can kill me? You'll die!" Hallie shouted angrily as he was dragged outside.

The mustache man stopped in his tracks as he reached the steps. He sneered as he looked up at the night sky. "Your boss? Up in the sky? Where is he? I don't see him."

In the next moment, his sneer froze as Isaac slowly descended from the pitch-black sky, which was mixed with heavy snowfall.

As Isaac descended, he emanated a terrifying aura.

The two burly men holding onto Hallie were briefly stunned. Sensing the terrifying spiritual energy emanating from Isaac, they immediately held their breath.

As Isaac was only six feet from the ground, he shot two streaks of golden spiritual energy toward the chests of the burly men on Hallie's either side.

They didn't have time to react. Although they saw the threat of death approaching, they didn't even have a chance to flee.

Those two streaks of golden light pierced their chests. Before their blood co
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