Chapter 127: Future change

Four days later.

It was an unexpectedly peaceful morning. The birds come flying freely again in the sky singing their favorite melody. The great forest returned to normal. The disaster and the destruction made by the extraterrestrial was left seen widely in many people’s eyes. The countless deaths and sacrifices. People who lived and people who suffered. The pain remained in their hearts.

Retto woke up in bed. He gets up and tries to move. His body still suffers injuries. Especially his belly, which has a wound that won’t close.

He sat down on the bed.

“The night is over.”

Images flashed on Retto’s head. He gritted his teeth and punched the wooden wall in anger. He could not save his close friends Glenn and Elaina. The two people that give him a path when he loses his way.

It was not like he regretted his decision to revive Falfa instead of Elaina. In his situation before, he doesn’t have time to thin

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