Chapter 17: Beast Village

After the battle with the slave traders and dismantling Ron’s true motive. We are invited by the beast-man who aided us in the battle to visit their tribe. Since our party is planning on going down the layers of the dungeon. We happily accepted their invitation.

Unlike the normal path. We took a path only beastman knows. It s a shortcut going to the 14th stratum. As usual, it was complete darkness in this area. Walking shortly we reached the main beast-man tribe.

Giant towering treehouses are attached to it and a bridge connects each tree. Hang up on the trees were a number of lamps containing ores that can glow. Those lamps are the prime source of light in this place.

As I look around. I started to wonder how these crops and trees grow up with the blessing of sunlight. Compare surface It's near impossible for trees to survive the harsh condition of the dungeon.

Arriving the little girls saw their parents. They first made an emotional fac

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