Chapter 185: Darkened lands (Part 17)

“You’ve come here, Artemisia…”

“I have some business to take care of here. I can’t leave until I make sure my target is dead… I was informed that the real demon king Luciferro is dead in the second dungeon. I’m quite surprised to see you here in the flesh.”

“Are you going to kill me?”

Artemisia pulled her sword away and instead grabbed his arm and tossed him toward the group of adventurers behind her.

Glenn was caught by a giant armored knight. A healer immediately came to his rescue to heal his wound and restore his magic.

“I have no interest in playing with you, miss hero.”

The one Artemisia talking to was the woman leading the adventurers, The fourth hero, Lightcrest Ruti.

Ruti had left Eden city because she wanted to give a helping hand to the kingdom where she was born. She left the city days before Retto and Falfa left.

Just like Retto, she recruited talented adventurers to join her in her mission. The difference was that Retto’s faction was far too big. Ruti only has 7 people i
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