Chapter 194: Our time

The morning for today was quite different. Instead of waking up early like Retto and alfalfa normally do. The couple had overslept and woke up when the hands of the clock were closed at noon. There is nothing to do in particular in the town. Waking up early just became their daily habit. The reason why they overslept is something that little kids should not know until they have found their spouse.

Falfa happily hummed busily in the kitchen making lunch. Meanwhile, the husband, Retto, was earnestly swinging his sword outside. Even though he's not planning on being a knight or a hero any longer. He still has this desire to stay in shape.

Being in shape has lots of merits. Like being immune to various sicknesses and having the strength to do lots of things.

“97… 98… 99… 100… 101…” Retto counted and then he noticed a bunch of people gathering near their house.

I wonder what is happening. Retto thought. He walks closer to the gathering and takes a peek.

His pupils got smaller seeing the tr
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