Chapter 5: Extraterrestrials

"I thought they are harmless! That one is surely trying to kill us."

"I'm only referring to the giants. That serpent is another creature. The Splitjaw Serpent

is a giant, elongated, legless, carnivorous, scarlet red reptile of the serpent species. It's supposed to live in a higher area. I wonder what's happening?"

Glenn explained.

I turned my head back and saw the Splitjaw Serpent chasing us. It's open its jaws widely. Light particles were collected on its mouth in form of an orb. Followed by that it throws a laser beam that pierced the surrounding.

The rocks were melted into lava in instant.

"Such power..."

"It's not the time to be impressed... We need to do something."

"You're an immortal right? Why you're running like your life was at stake?"

"Are you stupid or what?"

He answered my question with another question. Glenn then continued while looking his fixed gaze at the serpent.

"I'm indeed immortal, but I still have a feeling of sensation. In other words. I can still feel how painful it was. Also, if that laser beam hits me I will melt and It will take a long time before I'm able to regenerate... I have no other choice. I have to kill this extraterrestrial before it kills me."

Glenn took a red crystal from his pocket. The crystal gleam in crimson light Illuminating the surrounding The serpent charge another laser beam.

"Look out the monster is about to attack again."

"It will take a while before he can make his second. My magic will make it before he does..."

A magic circle appeared in front of Glenn. With his right hand on his front, he blasted a magical blast toward the Serpents head. The serpent's head was hole afterward.

"... That was easy."

"You can do that all along?"

"I have my reasons... Don't look at me with those cold eyes... I have to make the distance to cast and aim. I also need to have 12 seconds of channeling. I can't do that suddenly."

I was envious... You can use magic after all. I was born without magic. All I can do is become a knight. I usually don't feel magic at all, but this sensation the moment Glenn cast his magic. I still can feel it.

It was sinister and ominous.

Comparing its feeling to the magic cast by the demon king. Glenn's magic was more terrifying.

"That was amazing Glenn..."

I smiled widely and turned my head to Glenn.

But Glenn's knees fall and his body goes flat on the ground.


"Sorry, Retto but I need your help. That magic I used is beyond my limits. Extraterrestrials are tough. A huge amount of magic is needed to kill one. I used too much of my magic and I'm suffering magic deficiency."

Magic deficiency is a state where the magic-user used magic that exceed his limits. As a result, the user is temporarily immobile until the magic user regained some energy and magic.

There are times Yunis was in this state before. I have to carry her back to the headquarters and let her took a half-day of rest.

If it took half day of rest. Glenn wouldn't able to use his magic for a while.




Three loud screech was heard in three different directions.

I threw the lamp full of fireflies immediately.

Anxious about what's about to happen. I immediately run to Glenn and carry his body with me. I jump cliff and fall to the water. I continue swimming and decided to the cave. Hoping that the extraterrestrials won't find us.

But I was wrong...

The cave I got was a nest of another creature.  A bird-like creature with four wings. It has no beaks. Just one eye all in the long neck.

Its body started vibrating and released violet smog.

Sensing it was bad. I go back and dive underwater. Glenn is immortal. It's fine for him to drown. I held my breath as long as I could and swim in another direction. While swimming. I can't swim in a calm state of mind. I continuously thinking that maybe some other creature was living under this river.

I don't usually pray in the gods, but right at this moment. I prayed with all my might.

I don't want to die yet.

I won't die... Not until I save Yunis and defeat the demon king.

I'm grateful to gods, that I arrived fine on the land. I drag Glenn and continue to walk. I made it to a place with amazing rock formations. It's dark but I can tell.

The rock formation resembles pillars and a path I'm walking as like a hallway. Inside the darkness. I continue to search for a place to hide. My eyes already got used to the darkness and started to see the path I'm walking.

Using light will only drag the extraterrestrials toward us.

It's a good thing that I threw the lamp away.

At the time I thought everything was fine. Suddenly in front of me. The serpent appeared right before my eyes. It slammed its enormous body to the rock formation. Causing its destruction. The rocks fell and the path shakes. Until it crumbles apart.

The other two serpents arrived and blasted another laser beam all around.

After falling I find myself falling on the mud. My body is unhurt.

"Glenn are you okay?"

Looking at Glenn. I saw his lower half under big debris of rock. I tried to lift it but it's useless.

It's useless.

I'm doomed.

The three Slipjaw serpents arrived and looking at me with fix gaze from above.

They're so big and dangerous. This monster is a thousand more powerful than the monster we killed and the Minotaur we face in the demon king castle.

This is insane.

I just die and fail as a knight.

Now I'm going to die again.

Maybe, I'm not worth it to be a hero.

Maybe, I'm not good enough for Yunis.

I'm so incompetent.

The fear I felt is beyond flows through my blood and veins. I can't even move my body from fear. My life was flashing before my eyes. While looking at these creatures.

"Don't lose hope Retto..."


"I'm still alive... I'm immortal after all...  The chance of you dying here is high. It's 99.9%.."

"That's right... I'm not immortal like you. I will surely die here. I realized how powerless I am. Maybe, only the chosen are allowed to be called heroes. A  normal country boy like me can become one. No matter how hard I try... I won't become a hero."

"Despite knowing I'm Immortal you still do your best to save me...It's a heroic act. The act of selflessness is very heroic. Don't cry like that... There's still a chance to overturn this, but this is risky. You only have 0.0000000001% of the success of succeeding."

Glenn's word goes on my mind I chew it for a second and made my resolve.

"I'll do it... The chance of me dying is very high after all."

"On my bag, there is a short sword. It's a relic I constructed to fight demons. I can use it but for humans, there is no guarantee."

I move my body and stood the sword from his back. There is only one sword inside of his bag and I took it.

A mere sword would never gonna have a chance to defeat these extraterrestrials around me.

The serpent started channeling their laser beam again.

"What should I do?!"

Cut your flesh and et the blood flows on its blade.

I don't care anymore.

The laser beam was blasted and the whole place was in destruction. the flash of laser beam illuminated the entire surroudings.

The ground was carved down... Glenns lower half was melted down.

"I will live."

I muttered.

I was standing in front of them. My whole body was covered with armor. I can feel the surge of strength flowing across my body. I never felt my body this light.

"Now you look like a hero... That armor is called Zero Suit: Grand Chariot. One of the divine relics to defeat the demon king in demon war."

"Divine relic... It's a kind of weapon only used by heroes..."

"You wanted to be a hero right? Now show it and exit this dungeon."

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