Dwarf's tale
Dwarf's tale
Author: Highpriest
Chapter 1
Author: Highpriest
last update2022-10-24 08:29:31

What in the world happened to me?

What exactly?The surface was damp and chilly.The scents in the air were unusual.My nose was assaulted by metal, charred earth, and blood.As I started moving, I started to feel a sticky, dampness in my own body.My own blood and the blood of my wounds began to run down my body.I finally get up and look around me.All of the wagons—or what used to be wagons—were destroyed, with some on fire.Various weapons had killed the oxen that pulled these wagons, and they were scattered about.Along with them were dead dwarves, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and other creatures I didn't recognize.The dwarves' bodies were examined by me.Nobody remained alive.A mass gravesite and a tomb developed in this cavernous area within a mountain.As soon as I started to hear small movements, I realized that massive rodents were already moving in with the intention of feasting on the bodies.I was furious as a result of this for some reason.I moved over to one of the burning wagons, grabbed a piece of burning wood, and I started swinging at these invasive animals.

“You worthless parasites, get away from them!Get off my lawn!

Some ran away, but others bravely stepped forward after smelling death and blood.I started hacking into these critters with a dead warrior's axe, killing them with each blow.It felt right to me and good to me.How dare these natural perversions desecrate the deceased!They will be aware of what it means to annoy a dwarf!

I come up with an idea after a few minutes.I quickly pick up the non-dwarven bodies and toss them in a far corner of the vast cavern.After that, I bring the dwarven bodies into the cavern's center with me.The critters move to the far corner of the cavern after recognizing that I will leave them alone so long as they do not approach the center.Seeing this, additional parasites joined them.I also surround the center with the burning wagon wreckage for good measure.Despite being destroyed, some wagons were not burning.I sit down in the middle of the mass scene of death, satisfied to the macabre.

"Why did this occur?"I told myself this in the hope that someone would respond.Sadly, no such response was provided.Around me, eighty dwarves had all perished.Eighty elvesNaturally, I estimate the non-dwarven bodies.In that far corner, at least a few hundred were in a pile.At least my brothers did a good job of self-reporting.

When I looked at the wagons, I found that some tools and weapons had not been stolen or destroyed.I began the dreadful task of performing burials and rites of passage with several shovels.I gathered the canons of several priests who were still alive.I dug a grave for each dwarf one at a time and performed final rites.Some of the dwarves were no longer identifiable:Because of our thick beards and hair, some of their faces were badly hacked, others had their limbs cut off, and some were so badly burned that they were impossible to recognize.I didn't care, though.Their final rites belonged to these brave dwarven individuals.

I was done, finally, after hours.In the hope that the vermin would not be tempted to desecrate their graves, I laid the substantial timbers over the burials.Last but not least, I looked at myself.My body was covered in two large cuts and an impaled wound.I grabbed some water and drank a lot of it, using the rest to wash the blood off.I set about looking for new clothes among the items that survived after noticing that my clothes were in shambles.There was a minor issue.I was out of clothes that fit.

Or should I say that was a significant issue?I evaluated myself.I was significantly larger than the other dwarves.I was taller and wider than the other male dwarves by at least a foot.I was a freak, what the hell was I?It's possible that I wasn't a dwarf at all.The issue was that.I'm not sure who I am.I have no recollection of my name or hometown.Funny thing is, I remember the rites and the names of our dwarven gods.I was taken aback and concerned by this.I began to test my own memory.I was literate;I was a writer.As demonstrated by my earlier killing of the critter, I had recalled how to fight.Every dwarf I had buried could be identified by their name, station, and even Stonemore's home.I couldn't recall anything else, though.At that point, I realized that my head was still pounding.I feel the huge welt and the dried blood as I gingerly touch the back of my head.That clarifies a lot;I am forgetful.

Okay, I'm not exactly a mental freak.That explanation is fine with me.However, who the hell am I?Give me a moment.I need to stop talking to myself or I'll go insane!Yes, I was concerned about going insane.Who wouldn't want to?Realizing that you don't "fit in" and waking up in the midst of pure chaos and destruction with no memory of yourself

I try to get rid of the dried blood as best I can by soaking a cloth in more water.I apply pressure to the back of my head with a second cloth that has been soaked in more water.There is a moment of relief after that.But the relief soon wears off because the water is warm.I require a drink.

Several bottles of ale had not broken, which surprised me.I took a bottle and uncorked it before raising it to my lips and aiming it at my fallen companions.I let the alcohol's warmth fill my body, which somewhat calmed me.I finish the bottle after a minute and look around.My appetite was stoked by the beer.It shouldn't come as a surprise given that the physical exertion, blood loss, and resulting wicked hunger in me.As far as I recall, no dwarf should be able to toss bodies.I turn to look at my legs and arms now that some of the pain has left my head.With each muscle flex, muscles ripped through my skin, bulging and almost threatening to tear it open.My legs and feet resembled two enormous walking trunks, and my arms were as strong as tree limbs.The enormous, hairy feet, oh my!

That makes sense; I'm a part ogre.I'm a dwarf ogre!I made fun of myself.I was feeling a little nauseous due to the pain, the beer, and now the hunger and exhaustion.I must locate food.I discovered a bag containing breads and dried meats as I looked for what had survived.I burst into this like a hungry animal.Like a ferocious animal?I'm a monster.How else can I explain why so many of my brothers and sisters perished but I survived?I only survived this slaughter because of my obvious physical condition.

Later, my hunger went away.The sack's contents were nearly all gone.I gave a loud burp.It sounded like a sick animal coming out of the enormous underground cavern, and it was actually drawing the frightened looks from the dead animals and other creatures.It made me smile to see that my "beastly" form was useful for more than just surviving.I set about the dreadful task of putting myself together without knowing whether I had any weapons or gear of my own.The conflict resulted in the loss of a bastard sword, several daggers, a two-handed axe, and a hatchet.I was intrigued for some reason by a bastard sword, also known as a hand and a half sword.I might have been trained in this.Dwarves don't use this weapon often.Yes, axes and hammers.However, this weapon is not at all common.A note and a map were also concealed inside a false compartment of one of the wagons, as was a small stash of coins.On the map, Stalvinport was marked.Now, the question for today's 1,000 gold:Is that where we come from or where we were all going?It appeared to be an outdoor port town from the map.That probably indicates that we were moving in that direction.I wasn't sure why, so I didn't know.I could however guess.My brothers seemed to be moving as they took a route to a port.To me, the large number of abandoned wagons and goods seemed logical.Stalvinport, I suppose,” I thought to myself.What was my option?I only had a few choices at the moment.

I went deeper into the cavern by picking up one of the burning timbers.The wagons came from one easy direction for me to see.This cavern was reached by hundreds of distinct footprints traveling in the opposite direction, followed by footprints that returned to where they came from.In addition, moving in this direction made the area much smaller and more like a tunnel than a cavern.So, my brothers decided to camp here, and these hordes of creatures rushed them.And at this point, the only way forward was to continue in the same direction that the horde had left.That fits me perfectly.I'll either get out or die trying.I began my descent into that tunnel after grabbing my gear.The air smelled more like an underground setting and less like mass slaughter the further I got away from the cavern.Also, I was having trouble getting through the tunnel because of the burning wood.I therefore stomped on the charred timber until it was reduced to embers and the fire was out.My eyesight quickly adjusted to the darkness as I continued.Night visionI am, in fact, a dwarf, or at least a dwarf in part.It's funny how little bits of truth and fact can bring comfort at times.

I had very little comfort at this point.I was not comforted by the fact that I could be besieged by any number of this horde at any time.Being the sole survivor, the fact that I awoke to such devastation and death did not comfort me.In the end, the most worry I had was not knowing who I was, what my name was, where I came from, or why I was going to this port town.But what should I do?Die as a squish.That did not at all resonate with my spirit.I knew I was strong willed.I was aware that I could fight.Therefore, I have decided to face whatever is in front of me head-on.

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    Greetings, Canutt!Do you want a cup of coffee?”Alex greeted me with two cups and presented me with one of them.The liquid inside was opaque, resembling genuine dark tea.After smelling it, I took a sip.It was not at all unpleasant.I also felt that the liquid was actually stimulating my body wherever it touched my throat and gullet.It would appear that this coffee is a very potent form of tea."Good morning, Calvin as well.Dana, ma'am, I must say that your attention to me yesterday was very effective!This morning, I feel pretty damn good.She gave me a smile before halting.She came over to me, lifted my shirt, and looked at my wounds that were gone.Canutt, I can heal well.However, this is not simply my previous work.I had estimated that you would be in good health for about a week to two weeks.In fact, when Alex asked you to work in the fields, I was a little worried that you might reopen those wounds.On the other hand, the infection is gone and your wounds are almost healed.In one nig

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    Dana came back a short time later.Lisa, your friend, had a nasty arrow shaft near her wing base.Alex has already taken it off and is taking care of her.Additionally, she carried that worg's charred remains.When I brought you into the house, Steve informed me that she only took a few minutes to arrive.It appears that you and the hippoLisa are friends.In order to feed her, Alex also used his sword to slice the corpse in half.Steve is also assisting.David, my other half, and my daughter Stella have returned as well.I nodded.I had high hopes that this would be the case.Lisa was used to getting in touch with people.At least, not completely, she was not wild.I am treated well by your family.Please inquire about how I can repay your kindness."Are you kidding me?You saved my youngest son, Canutt.That worg is one I've seen.To think that monster would have ripped apart my son..." Dana's face was sad.a look back at past suffering and time.There had been no error.This woman has experienced trag

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    I took his words into consideration.a nearby farm.How far is your farm from here, please?"Nearby Canutt.Possibly more than a mile.I’ve had a terrible night and a rough start to the day.I would be willing to visit your farm.Additionally, worgs typically travel in groups.Saving you from one worg only to have you eaten by another would hurt my conscience.I'll accompany you back and join you.If there are any sheep that need to be gathered, we might also want to take your sheep."Canutt, that would be greatly appreciated!I'm not one to fight."I comprehend.Hold on a minute.I took a walk to Lisa.I spoke gently as I got closer.Can you hear me, Lisa?”Lisa cooed a little at me as it looked up from its grizzly meal.Yes, she comprehends my words.That is positive."Lisa, I'm going to bring the boy there," I said.There, farm.You come to me after you're finished.Understand?”Lisa cooed at me before returning to the grizzly meal in front of her.I couldn't blame her, though.Did she not deliver th

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    In agony, the hippoLisa screamed.I didn't hear anything else for about a minute after that.My body, however, miraculously remained unharmed.I did not experience a large beak or talons attacking my body.It actually went down on its claws as it looked back at the hippoLisa, its massive body trembling.Yeah, I'm sure that hurt.I made my way slowly up to the wing and used the wooden cast to hold the ropes in place.I did this in such a way that it still had the option of putting the wing against its body or extending it.Flight, on the other hand, was out of the question.I tried to stroke its enormous feathered head after it was done.The quivering subsided after a few minutes, and the strange cooing resumed.Lisa, thank you for not breaking my body.It raised its head and began rubbing against my chest after hearing that.I swear this hippoLisa has some understanding of me!Isn't that interesting?Lisa received the last bit of dried meat I had and I gave it to her.While squawking at me softly, it

  • Chapter 2

    I came around a corner after probably three hours of walking.The air's scent changed.I could smell a variety of grasses and shrubs, as well as the scent of trees.There appears to be a gap in the road.At least this gave me some comfort.I might be able to locate myself and get my bearings with the sky.That'd be helpful.However, rather than accelerating, I slightly slowed down.Other than my breathing and footsteps, I paid more attention to the sounds around me.This horde might be at the opening, I have no idea.To stumble in the middle of that mess would be completely pointless.I could make out some faint moonlight after a while.at night.Better still!That means I could look up at the stars and try to figure out where I am.I looked around as I crept up to the opening.The only thing that greeted me was a road that led from the tunnel mouth and was lined with trees and grass, which surprised me a little.I could see that there was a way to turn right or left about half a mile down this road.I

  • Chapter 1

    What in the world happened to me?What exactly?The surface was damp and chilly.The scents in the air were unusual.My nose was assaulted by metal, charred earth, and blood.As I started moving, I started to feel a sticky, dampness in my own body.My own blood and the blood of my wounds began to run down my body.I finally get up and look around me.All of the wagons—or what used to be wagons—were destroyed, with some on fire.Various weapons had killed the oxen that pulled these wagons, and they were scattered about.Along with them were dead dwarves, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and other creatures I didn't recognize.The dwarves' bodies were examined by me.Nobody remained alive.A mass gravesite and a tomb developed in this cavernous area within a mountain.As soon as I started to hear small movements, I realized that massive rodents were already moving in with the intention of feasting on the bodies.I was furious as a result of this for some reason.I moved over to one of the burning wagons, gr

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