Elvis was so eager to leave Barbados whereas his heart feels like it was leaving something behind which was his Nana.

His concern was that she will be all alone by herself, and it's a journey of a thousand miles that he was embarking, but she wasn't worried because she knows it was for the best.

Elvis had already met with his friend Edward the second time like they earlier said, they talked about when they will be leaving and about life itself.

In a months time, they will be leaving Barbados to Ireland, an island located in the United Kingdom in Europe.

Elvis promised his Nana to be keeping in touch and also once he settles down, he will do his possible best to know if it's going to be possible to bring her over.

Nana wasn't that young, but she was strong enough to must have agreed to stay all by herself.

August was a summer break, when Elvis and Edward will be leaving Barbados to Ireland, a city whose Capital was London. Governed by her Monarchy. It was a small, beautiful island with
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