
Death is inevitable,

If you are prone to die at a certain point then there's no way you can outrun it.

Although, that was what we thought.

“Hey! Alex, wake up!”

Cheating death is possible,

“Wake up!”

But only by certain methods that are best known to the system.

Alex's eyes opened as his ears welcomed the soothing voice of a familiar presence around him.

“Argh…” He sat up and rubbed his head.

“Thank God you're awake.” The familiar voice spoke again and Alex couldn't help but look up to see Isabella.

The world might have been reset, but there are things that will remain absurd to the human mind.

Such as the system.

“Isabella…is that you?”

“Of course it's me.”

She sighed and helped him up on his feet.

They were both donned in a cream round neck top and a pair of long black pants and fitting boots.

“wo… where are we?”

“That's what I would like to know as well. I ended up here a few seconds ago and so did you. Well, I ended up here and saw you
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