Principal Donovan


Stepping into the golden conveyor was like a great leap into the reality and truth of the era that we lived in. The difference in the class I lived in and the one in front of me was literally worlds apart, and suddenly being spun into such reality was a juxtaposition to just how far away I've lived from the current era of greatness and scientific peak that earth had attained.

It was all a graphic composition of shiny gold with intricate lines of algorithm that covered the interior. The lines shone in bold luminous blue lights of technology which breathed occasionally in a soft beam to show vitality and full connection.

I watched with perplexed heart as the guide pressed a single button that glowed a dim light on the wall and say to it " Floor five, management", following a melodious ting sound.

A soothing whirr resounded from everywhere around and shortly after that, the conveyor started to tremble ever so gently. It became brighter than usual and I had to raise my gaze towards the
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