Chapter 109 Tribulation Rabbit

On the side road of the dense forest, a huge carriage could be seen, with four lizard-like monsters at the front. 

Behind the carriage was a long line of boxes, imprisoning several beasts.


On top of the carriage, Manasi was using his Metal Dragon Aura to reinforce the carriage and build more iron cages.


"It's been two days since the last battle. I have to prepare and hide our identity."


With this thought in mind, Manasi proceeds to reinforce the carriage. 

Then he heard someone calling him from the dense forest.


"Brother Manasi, look what I caught!"


Manasi then stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Elizabeth, who had come out of the dense forest with Ella.


She was holding a snowy white fox as it whimpered. 

On the other hand, Ella was holding an egg that was emitting crackling lightning, and last came Shin, who was biting on a tail

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