Chapter 191

As the bow of the Sky Arc passes through the portal passage, Manasi was maintaining the portal passage at the edge of the Sky Arc.

Then, all of a sudden, he noticed the change in the environment, indicating that they had finally arrived at their destination. Just beneath the Sky Arc was the Amber City.



Manasi frowned as he caught a glimpse of people outside the Amber City.

"Spirit System, use [Observer]."

[Yes, Contractor.]

With that, Manasi's inner vision of black and white was activated as he saw a crowd of people that were carrying some items.

It was then that Manasi surprisingly saw someone familiar.


Just then, he noticed that Rochelle was being surrounded by a group of gangster-like men. 

Manasi was about to activate his lightning domain when those men got scared silly as they dropped to the ground one after another.

It was really odd....


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