Chapter 56 Sacrifices

If he had more time, he would have produced a stronger rifle using the Spirit System knowledge, and Ben. By then it would have improved the situation. 

"Men! Ready your guns!!!"

Manasi yelled at the defenders. He then counted the most effective distance to fire at the Behemoths. When the first behemoths entered the three hundred yard distance.


When they heard the command they immediately fired their guns.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The drums of war officials began, as the zipping sound of bullets, the rain, and yelling mixed into a tone that shook the earth. 

The defenders fired their rifles with abandon, not even minding their aim, as they only knew to point and click the trigger.

"Aim for the eye!" Rod shouted.

At this moment the soldiers thought that life and death would be determined in this faceoff. They were fine if they died in battle, but they had to win the war. 

They were ready to sacrifice

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