Chapter 76 Titan Snakes

The skeleton powered armor started to heat up as he tightly gripped his plasma sword. 

He couldn't be more ready, as his surroundings blurred as his feet touched the bloody terrain.


He was astonished as he scanned his surroundings and saw the mountains of red and green snake carcasses. 

There was a huge question mark on his head.

"What just happened here?" 

Then he heard a sound beside him. There was a shadow that blocked the light.


Manasi shouted as he swung his plasma sword at the shadow, but he stopped as the gigantic shadow suddenly dropped itself, scattering the soil and dust.

Finally, Manasi went dumb as before him was a crimson titan snake, much bigger than even the green giant snake before, but this crimson titan snake had a long laceration on its body, especially the skull where five holes could be seen.

Manasi hurriedly took cover among the boulders, while ca

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