
"How did this happen? Where is Mr. Wesley? He should be here and thinking of a solution. We can't just let the company crumble!"

"Isn't there anyone else who can organize it? This is terrible!"

"Secretary Jorell! Where is he? Hurry up and get him over here! As the secretary of the two leaders, he must have ideas. He's very competent. I'm sure he can find a solution to this problem!"

"Right! Secretary Jorell and Mr. Wesley should come immediately! Where are they?"

"Why isn't anyone moving quickly at this crucial time?"

"You guys, calm down first!" Mr. Atticus spoke in a high tone. His gaze swept across the room that was filled with panic. "They're probably on their way. Sit down and shut up! We need to think with a cool head!"

Then he took out his cell phone and dialed Secretary Jorell's number. However, just as she connected, his figure was already visible. He entered the meeting room quickly and frantically.

"Secretary Jorell!" As if finding water in the middle of a desert, they were
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