
"Olivia!" shouted Jeslyn, going over to Olivia to help her up. However, before her hand could reach out, Bliss viciously kicked her as well, sending her tumbling backward with a resounding cry of pain.

"Shut up if you don't want to feel the consequences!" threatened Bliss with a glint of earnestness in his sly eyes.

However, Jeslyn was not a girl to give up. She quickly got up, regardless of her sore shoulder, and glared at Bliss. "You shut up! One more time, you hurt me or Olivia, and your sentence in prison will increase!"

"Oh yeah?" Instead of being scared, Bliss mocked Jeslyn and laughed loudly.

Jeslyn's emotions were running high. She released the ropes on her legs and arms and stood up. And out of nowhere, she pressed down on Bliss' neck using the rope. Bliss was, of course, shocked by her sudden action. Even Olivia, trying to get up with the pain in her back, widened her eyes.

"Jeslyn, don't!" she shouted in panic. She rushed over and tried to pull Jeslyn away, but the girl see
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