27- Only Just Begun pt 2

Lieutenant Sharp

Love in him? A cloned human? Shouldn’t that be impossible? He had no soul. He had no warm family and a swarm of memories that was real of growing up. He did not know how to feel emotions- this is why he and his kind were perfect soldiers.

This was all too confusing, and he could feel a headache coming on. His kind don’t have those. He needed to clear his mind.

He didn’t know how to though. Wanting to see her all the time. The funny swelling in his stomach when she was near or sometimes when he thought of her. His heart was racing.

He looked away from her and into the ocean water. That ought to fix his thinking. War.

Impossible for a clone to feel these emotions, yet he did. They weren’t built to feel, they were created to not be overrun with emotion. Human emotions are what got soldiers killed. Calculated actions are what win a war.

I am a weapon, he chanted inside his head.

He was in the body of a man in his mid-thirties when they were supposed to be the same
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