Mr. Lawrence opened the door and saw that it was one of his messengers. “Sir, you have someone from—erm, the registry waiting to visit you. He says that they have been trying to contact you for a while but you haven’t been responding to their emails or calls.”

Mr. Lawrence had actually seen some of the emails from the marriage registry that suggested that some issues wouldn’t permit his marriage with Rose to go through but he shrugged it off as something that can be settled with some money being put in the right pockets.

Rose eavesdropped at what the messenger said and it dawned on her that it was probably the marriage registry coming to tell Mr. Lawrence that his marriage to her wasn’t going to be legal. That was a reason for Rose to breathe a sigh of relief, especially after the last few intense minutes.

“Tell whoever the hell it is to give me a few more minutes,” Mr. Lawrence said, his teeth gritted with anger.

The messenger used the corner of his eye to inspect what was going on i
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