The vicar went to the window. The sun was setting behind the edge of the forest, swifts were flying in the air, a beautiful summer evening was coming. Little Alice was sitting on the front lawn, intently twisting the doll's head. But the vicar did not notice this, he stared unseeingly out the window, and before his mind's eye stood a narrow medieval Parisian street and a little boy looking around in confusion. Thoughts rushed through my head: “Is it possible? Could Gold's story be true? What is it - fiction, inflamed imagination of a dying person or ... "
The bed creaked behind him, and Dr. Gold's faint voice rang out:
- John?
The vicar turned slowly.
- Yes, Michael?
- You must despise me? I took so many lives to save my...
The priest looked with pain at the lying man. Even now, power and strength emanated from his heavy body. They had been friends for almost half a century... "No, only twenty years... Who would have thought!" And now Michael Gold is dying, and the vicar does not have a single word of comfort for his friend. "What's the matter with me, really? I'm a priest, I should calm the dying, take him by the hand, forgive his sins. By the hand?! No, not that! It turns out that I still believe him?"
“I swear to you, John, I swear, this time I really decided to die. The burden of guilt and vices does not allow me to live on. I won't kill anyone else!
Some kind of madness! But just a few days ago everything was so ordinary, so everyday ...
A few days earlier, a messenger brought a note to the vicar - his long-ill friend, Dr. Michael Gold, became worse, and he asks dear John to come immediately for a conversation of extreme importance.
The priest immediately went to the doctor. A quarter of an hour later he was already approaching the huge gloomy house built by his friend's grandfather. In the garden in front of the house he met Gold's young niece, Mrs. Rose Delmore, with the charming blond baby Alice in her arms.
- Dear vicar, please come in. Uncle is waiting for you!
- How is he, Miss Rose? Is he worse?
- I'm afraid so. Oh, it looks like we came to visit at the wrong time.
- What are you, my dear, Michael loves you and your daughter so much. How are you, Alice, dear?
The baby shyly hid her face in her mother's lace collar. The vicar stroked her curly head affectionately, bowed to Rose, and hurried home.
Butler Watkins escorted the guest to Gold's bedroom. He really waited for a friend with great impatience.
John, finally! he exclaimed, rising up on the bed. Take that chair over there and sit closer. I have a lot to tell you. This is a long conversation, and I would like to end it while I still have the strength.
Sitting comfortably in the chair offered, the vicar carefully took his friend's hand.
- Michael, are you sure you don't want to rest?
- John, understand, for me now the most important thing is to tell you everything. I know I don't have much time left... I've never dedicated anyone to the history of my life, I just can't die with this secret. Let this be my confession. I must take advantage of the fact that my best friend is the shepherd of God.
He smiled mirthlessly, but then his face became serious and solemn again. He took a deep breath and, as if making a difficult decision, began:
John, I'm very old...
“Yes, my friend, we are both no longer boys,” the vicar nodded and stroked Gold's hand. "You'll be seventy-two in September, won't you?" And I'm not much younger either.
But he shook his head emphatically.
- No, I'm no longer seventy-two. Much of what you know about me is wrong. I am French, not English. My name is René Legrand, I was born in Paris in 1495.
Ignoring the vicar's puzzled look, Gold began his unhurried narration. He spoke for a long time, stopping occasionally to wipe the sweat from his forehead or drink a sip of water. After a few hours, his strength ended, and he sank exhausted onto the pillow.
"Let me rest a little, John, and then I'll continue," he muttered, and fell asleep instantly.
France, XV century
Since childhood, Claude Legrand dreamed of becoming a military man. With bated breath, he listened to the legends that his mother told - about knights and their squires, about crusades to distant lands, about high-profile victories, about the fabulous wealth of the conquered countries. But fate decreed otherwise: his father, Big Jean, was a village blacksmith, a man of the lower class, but only a nobleman could become a knight.
Big Jean did not approve of his son's dreams of a military career. He said more than once:
- If the Lord gave you a blacksmith's hammer in your hands, kid, then work with it to the grave.
But Claude did not want to think about working in the forge. Having matured and married Madeleine, the youngest daughter of a wealthy miller, he began to persuade her to leave her home and move with him to Paris.
- Think, dear, you will be a real city lady.
- Oh, Claude, I'm afraid. I'm a country girl, and everyone will laugh at me there.
- No! I will become a soldier, we will buy a good house, we will have many children. And you will quickly get used to the city, dear, believe me.
In the end, Madeleine agreed, and in the spring of 1494, having loaded the wagon with simple belongings, the couple went to the capital. And now they rode through Paris, and the clatter of the hooves of the exhausted horse echoed over the pavement.
They managed to settle in pretty quickly. A small capital, received as a dowry for Madeleine, made it possible to buy a room on the second floor of a house at the very end of the Rue Saint-Denis, right next to the ramparts that encircle the city.
At first, Claude grumbled:
I don't understand how people live here. Look, the roofs and balconies protrude so far that even the sun doesn't reach the pavement.
However, over time, he got used to life in the city and even began to find an inexplicable charm in these eternally shaded streets.
Sociable and open, Claude quickly acquired many friends in Paris. Both they and the city itself constantly presented surprises to the poor provincial. So, Claude was surprised to find that all new acquaintances have not only names, but also surnames. This was rare in his area, and the whole village knew him as Claude, son of Grand Jean. However, this was clearly not enough in the city.
Since Claude was going to spend the rest of his life in Paris, he immediately went to the city provost and, passing off his father's nickname as a surname, registered himself as Claude Legrand [i] from the Rue Saint-Denis, son of Jean Legrand.
Filled with a sense of his own importance (it's no joke, now he has a surname!), He began to make inquiries about the possibility of entering the army of knights. And then a surprise awaited him again: it turned out that for several years there had been a compagnie d'ordonnance in Paris - a regular ordinance [ii] company created by order of King Charles. This company consisted of foot soldiers, who for some reason were called free riflemen, and was recruited almost entirely from people of the humble, simple.
Inspired by this news, Claude rushed to his friends with a request to arrange a meeting with the commander of the compagnie d'ordonnance, and was so insistent that one of them soon secured an audience for him with the captain of the company Pellan.
Excited, Claude arrived at the rue Saint-Paul, where the captain was quartered, long before the agreed time. After hesitating at the gate, he crossed to the other side of the street and froze, admiring the Notre Dame Cathedral, built several decades ago, towering across the river. How big and beautiful it is! Is there anything more beautiful in the world than this majestic cathedral? Claude's heart contracted painfully from a strange tenderness for this beauty, for this city.
A bell rang in the St. John's bell tower. It's time.
- Hmm... You want to join my company...
Captain Pelyan, a tall, long-haired man in his forties, was looking critically at a broad-shouldered youth with an open, intelligent face.
“In our village, horses were treated like that,” Claude thought cheerfully. “I hope he doesn’t demand to show his teeth.”
- Yes, sir.
Captain Pelyan was sick and tired of constant petitioners. Either take it into the company, then clap before the constable, then give out a monetary allowance. And that fool, Marie, the maid, poured mint sauce on his white shirt. What do you order to go to the review of the company? Still, he tried to be objective. "The king needs experienced fighters," he thought, "and if this guy knows how to hold a halberd in his hands, then he can come out of it."
“Well, your data is correct,” the captain nodded with satisfaction. - I hope you have experience?
Claude involuntarily shy.
What experience, sir?
- Did you participate in battles? Studied military sciences?
The young man was completely at a loss.
“You see, sir… Mr. Captain… I have recently been in Paris… I lived in the country…
“Oh, it’s a pity, with such growth, with such muscles…”
- I'm sorry, but without experience, I do not accept in the company.
Claude's eyes became so unhappy that the captain could not help feeling sorry for him. He walked over to the boy and patted him on the shoulder.
- Sir, my company has a children's military school. It's too late for you yourself , but when your son turns twelve, bring the boy, and I'll take him.
- It was my dream, you know? - muttered Claude in a slurred tongue, sitting in a tavern with his neighbor Jacques Boucher. “And I, you see, am too old to learn. Without it, they won't take it. And what should I do now?
"Don't worry, buddy," Jacques consoled him. - The city is full of guilds and shops, choose any. You can become a gunsmith, a cooper, a tailor, or, like me, for example, a butcher. And by the way, my father was a butcher, and my grandfather too! If you want, spit on crafts, become a merchant - you will succeed, that's for sure.
- I'm too old for them, you know? But my son is not old, and they will take him, just bring him. How can I bring my son if I don't have one?
Jacques Boucher laughed.
- Well, work on it, buddy!
When Claude finally returned home, Madeleine was still awake. Of course, she really wanted her husband's cherished desire to come true. On the other hand, if he becomes a military man, how will she be alone, without him? Especially now when...
The door swung open and Claude burst into the room. Hands clasped, she watched as he swayed toward the bed. With a sensitive feminine heart, Madeleine realized that her husband had lost his last hope. She was terribly sorry for him and for herself. “I was so looking forward to it, because today is perhaps one of the most important days in my life. Okay, I won’t talk yet, I’ll wait until tomorrow.” But she couldn't bear it.
- Claude?
Madeleine's voice snapped him out of his drowsiness.
- Mmm?
- Claude, dear... I'm pregnant.
He opened his eyes, focused with difficulty on her face, and ordered in a firm voice:
- Give birth to a boy!
Saying goodbye to the dream of military service, Claude, on the advice of friends, acquired the necessary tools, joined the craft shop and started making gloves for noble people. The business turned out to be very profitable, and six months later he was able to buy two rooms on the ground floor, becoming the sovereign owner of a small house. This purchase ate up all their savings, but Claude went for it without hesitation - because soon there will be three of them, and they will need more space. However, fate decreed otherwise.
In the summer of 1495, Claude simultaneously became a happy father and an inconsolable widower. For the rest of his life he remembered that despair, that pain that he experienced at the sight of the midwife leaving the bedroom. Hiding her confusion, she frowned and said worriedly:
- Your wife, sir, died ... profuse bleeding ... And the child - here it is.
And she hurriedly thrust into his hands a bag wrapped in a linen rag. But Claude did not notice him, he looked with horror at the closed door, behind which Madeleine remained, and his soul was filled with a aching feeling of loneliness.
After burying his wife and recovering a little from the shock, Claude thought: what to do with the baby? Of course, the easiest way is to give him to a church orphanage, but he really wanted a son. And Madeleine gave her life for the birth of this tiny creature ...
Help came unexpectedly.
- Buddy, put this thought out of your head, - Jacques Boucher told him, who had already become a friend. - My Catherine is about to give birth, for a couple of sous she can feed your baby and look after him while you work.
That's what they decided on.
A month later, Catherine Boucher gave birth to a girl, who was named Genevieve. At first, Claude brought his son to a neighbor for feeding several times a day, but over time he began to leave Rene for the whole day and even for the night. Katherine took care of him like her own. A couple of years later, baby Rene was already running across the street, from his father's house to the house of the Boucher spouses and back. He was almost always followed by tiny Genevieve.
Related Chapters
Eternal Life;Cursed Gift 2
The life of little Rene Legrand was simple and pleasant. He adored his father, loved to sit in a corner and watch how he cut gloves from thin dyed leather according to patterns, and then sewed them together on some mysterious device. Rene liked to look at the richly dressed ladies who sometimes appeared in their modest house. The ladies, rustling their skirts, approached the table, on which a lot of multi-colored gloves were laid out, chose the best pair for a long time, argued, laughed. They took away the gloves, giving their father in return copper and even silver coins with a minted profile of the king, and left, each time leaving behind a unique, mysterious aroma. Mysterious music sounded for Rene the words "livre", "denier", "su". “Someday,” he thought, “Genevieve will grow up and become such a beautiful lady, I will marry her and give her all my father's gloves.”He loved little Genevieve as much as his father. And although she was born only four weeks after him, René was accust
Eternal Life;Cursed Gift 3
As soon as Rene turned twelve, Claude sent him to study in a regular company.Rene liked military affairs. Schoolchildren were taught to handle weapons, keep order, and march. In addition to directly military disciplines, the curriculum included athletics, elementary counting, grammar, religion, the history of the crusades and other military campaigns, as well as alchemy and pharmacy.As much as Rene liked his studies, his new comrades did not like him just as much. Most of them came from the lowest strata of society, their conversations were too rude, and their laughter too loud. The ringleader among them was Jacques Tillon, a tall guy a head taller than the rest, with perpetually greasy hair and the same greasy jokes. Rene tried to avoid him.***Jacques' father, Patrick Tillon, was a laborer on the docks of the Seine, a bitter drunk who regularly beat his wife and son. In the short life of Jacques, his father did not beat him except with an ax. At first, the boy tried his best to p
Eternal Life;Cursed Gift 4
But Rene did not remain in debt, he told Philip about his father, about friends, about the house. But most often - about Genevieve.“I really want to meet her,” Philip said once. She must be extraordinary.- Well, let's choose the time and go home together, - Rene was delighted.Philip nodded eagerly.The friendship between Rene and Philip grew stronger day by day. In the classroom they sat on the same bench, during the exercises they always became a couple, and they even moved their beds in the barracks so that it was more convenient to whisper at night, which gave rise to Jacques Tillon's greasy grins. Graceful Philip aroused contempt in him, but he did not dare to say it out loud: being a nobleman, Leroy fenced beautifully.On the Sunday after Mass, René took Philippe to visit his father. Claude joyfully greeted his son's new friend, it was noticeable that Philip fell in love with him. “It was not in vain that I dreamed of sending Rene to a military school,” thought the pleased fat
Eternal Life;Cursed Gift 5
One evening, returning from a walk around Paris, the guys found a terrible sight behind the barracks: Jacques and three other boys tied a dog to a post and threw stones at it, competing in accuracy. The defenseless dog squealed and whined, trying to dodge the stones flying at him. Without hesitation, friends rushed to save the unfortunate animal. Closest to them stood Henri Chrétien, a friend of Jacques. Running up to Henri, Rene rushed at him with his fists. The friends fought so fiercely that their opponents soon fled, despite being outnumbered.The boys untied the beaten dog, and it immediately hobbled away, limping away.Tillon, whom Philip had struck hard on the ear, was furiously thinking how to subdue the hated upstart. “They are always together, that's why they are brave,” he thought contemptuously. - Nothing, the day will come when I will catch him. Let's see if he can be as brave on his own."Philip was inexhaustible in invention.- Rene, have you heard of the Gloomy House?
Eternal Life;Cursed Gift 6
Philip was actively stomping upstairs, looking for a place to tie a rope. He pulled back the bolt and lifted the hatch. The basement is a little brighter.- Grab a candle, - Rene shouted.- Yes.Finally, the preparations were completed, grabbing the rope, Philip squeezed through the hatch and began to slowly descend. In a few moments his feet touched the hard floor. Pulling two candles out of his bag, he lit them and handed one to Rene.- Be careful, watch your feet.The flickering flame of candles lit up a huge basement, obviously larger than the house itself. The damp, stale air made it hard to breathe.“Wow, look, it looks like the knights were training here.Indeed, the floor was littered with broken pieces of swords and halberds, a rotten straw man for training stood in the corner, next to it was a weapon rack. Cautiously stepping, friends moved in different directions. Rene walked along the wall, looking with curiosity at everything that caught his eye, afraid to miss any little
Eternal Life;Cursed Gift 7
It was already dark outside, and with difficulty they found the overgrown path that led to the road to the abbey. When they reached the gate, they sat down on the ground and, having caught their breath, they held a meeting.- What do we do?- Don't know. There is no point in going to the city. It is dangerous to walk at night, and the city gates are closed until dawn.Looking around his dusty camisole, Philip suggested:- Let's ask for an overnight stay here. The monks are kind people, they will not refuse. Let's say we got lost in the woods.- And the box? Let's open it first, shall we?- It's dark.Rene nodded at the bag.- Candles.They again went into the forest, Philip sat on a stump and tried to open the box. She was locked up. The mechanism, spoiled by time and basement dampness, did not work. It took them quite a long time to break the lock. Finally, something clicked, the boys froze in anticipation.Philip swallowed nervously and opened the lid with a trembling hand. The flic
Eternal Life;Cursed Gift 8
They did not imagine how terrible it would be for them in the dark night forest. The thought of having a Grim House nearby with a skeleton in the basement made me shudder. But the thirst for adventure, the eternal companion of the boys at all times, stubbornly drove them forward.It was decided to bypass the abbey from behind. They walked slowly, constantly stumbling and clinging to the thorns with their cloaks. It was quiet, the cry of a night bird or the crackling of a fallen branch made them flinch. Philip involuntarily switched to a whisper.- The tomb is in the basilica, we saw it last time. You need to climb over the wall and crawl to it.- Fine.They made their way through the thickets and came to a wall. It was not possible to throw a rope ladder on the wall - it was even and had practically no protrusions. Then Rene climbed a tree and from it climbed a thick branch to the wall. Catching his breath, he tossed the end of the ladder to Philip. A minute later, both jumped off the
Eternal Life;Cursed Gift 9
“A long time ago,” Philip began in a singsong voice, “there was a knight, and his name was Verbero, and the people gave him the nickname Blackheart. He was brave to the point of recklessness and so strong that no one could compare with him in battle. But at the same time - cruel and ruthless, and they said that the devil controls him. Verbero rampaged both in the war and on his own lands. It often happened that he beat and killed his servants, and offended and deceived his equals. And when he fell in love with the daughter of his vassal, he took her from her father by force and married her. Many knights fought with him, but he emerged victorious from any duel.And a great murmuring arose in his land, and people went to his lord, the duke, so that he would justly judge Verbero. The duke called the vassal to his castle and in the presence of barons and knights asked him:“Is it true, noble Verbero, what they say about you?” Is it true that you took your daughter by force from a vassal a
Latest Chapter
Michael Gold paused, trying to catch his breath. He seemed to be reliving the terror that had seized him in the mountains of South America.“And Plath is gone?” exclaimed the vicar ruefully.Alas, John, yes. A strange insanity has deprived me of this most valuable relic!- What a pity! What do you think it was?“I have puzzled over this for three hundred years, explaining everything as the revenge of higher powers. It was only three years ago that I read an article in The Sunday Times that I think explains the panic attack that happened to me then. The article said that a certain John Balderston, director of the London Lyric Theater, was preparing a play for staging, where the characters were transported into the past as the action progressed. He wanted to come up with something spectacular so that the audience at that moment felt the psychological tension. And Mr. Balderston turned to his friend, the physicist Robert Wood, for help. He made a pipe, like an organ, but longer and thick
Gold wearily rubbed his face with his hands.“Those days are hard for me to remember, John. Then I committed one of the most shameful acts of my entire life. But I swear I'll be completely honest about everything.'I have no doubt, my friend,' nodded the vicar. - Few people could speak so frankly about themselves, not only good, but also bad.— So, we got into a small pirogue and sailed up the river. Usually, for the construction of boats, the Indians took a tree with a wide trunk and burned out the middle. But this boat turned out to be wicker and very light. The current here was weak, so Anka and Yakumama rowed tirelessly.About five hours later we landed on the shore, and I saw a path cut through the jungle, as wide as I had ever seen in these places. It turned out that the Indians dragged boats along it to another river, which they called the Serpent, and the Europeans - Madre de Dios. Even such a light pirogue as ours was not easy to drag, but we managed and by the evening reache
On one of the days of the Month of Seva, Apu Uma sent for Istvan. He hurried to the leader and found him in great agitation. Forgetting to offer mate to the guest, the Indian said:“Our scouts have spotted a white party, Amauta. They go through the jungle towards Antavara.The priest's heart jumped with joy, but at the same moment he thought - if the Europeans capture the village, they will also learn about the mines. No, this cannot be allowed.- How is it - "go"? After all, the selva is impassable.- How do we go? Cut through the road with knives and axes.— How many of them?The chief frowned and drew seven parallel lines on the dirt floor. Thirty-five people, Isstvan realized."And when will they get to us?"- In two or three days. We need to organize protection.“No,” the priest said thoughtfully. “We have to set up an ambush. Then, firstly, they will not find the village, and secondly, thanks to a surprise attack, we will have an advantage.After thinking for a moment, Apu Uma n
The Indians made a noise, and Istvan could not believe his ears. What nonsense? This is impossible! But no, he saw the living dead with his own eyes!"But the corpses didn't disappear until the third night," he muttered.The sorcerer chuckled and nodded again.— Yes, but here they bury in the wall. Apparently, in the ground they deteriorate faster. At first I did not know this and could not understand why they did not turn into nzambi. The first two had to be killed, their minds barely affected. Then I realized that here the body was lying in the wall and tried to pick it up later. This is how I determined from experience that it is best to raise the "dead" on the third night.- Can they be cured somehow? Return to normal life?- Of course not.How long do they exist in this state?- Who is like. If you feed them on time, then some of them last for four or five years.“Now tell me, why can’t they be killed?”- Why, maybe. They just don't feel pain and follow orders as long as they can
The Incas got up early. Not finding Istvan, they were alarmed. When he, half-dead from fatigue and experienced horror, dragged himself to the gate, he was greeted with a joyful uproar. Sampa Anka grabbed him under the armpits and helped him to the hut.“What happened to you, white brother? he kept asking. - Where have you been?"I'm sorry, Anka," Isstvan whispered, sinking onto the couch. “I’ll tell you everything, but right now I don’t have the strength.”He slept for almost a day and woke up cheerful, completely recovered from the shock of the night. Hardly waiting for the morning, Istvan went to Apu Uma and told about everything that he had to endure.Sampa Anka, who sat silently beside him, stared in horror at the priest, while the chief shook his head grimly.“You broke my ban, Amauta,” he said when Istvan finished his story.“Sorry, Great Leader, but I couldn’t help but watch your people die.“I understand that you were guided by a kind and brave heart. But what have you achieve
The next morning, having somewhat calmed down, they again retired to the hut.- Understand, spirits are not like that at all! Istvan admonished his friend. “They were real flesh and blood people. There must be some other explanation.“Okay,” he nodded obediently, “then explain to me what the secret is.”“That is what we must find out. Tell everything you know about them.Sampa Anka shrugged.- There is nothing to tell. Ordinary guys.What could unite them?- Nothing. Only that they all died.- When exactly?The young man frowned as he remembered.“Well… Vira eight moons ago. Llapi four moons earlier. The other two, it seems, shortly before your arrival.This information did not give Isstvan anything, but he stubbornly bombarded Anka with questions, trying to find at least some thread.Did any of them get sick?- It seems not.- So all four died according to the prediction of the sorcerer?After thinking, Sampa Anka nodded confidently."And their bodies disappeared on the third night?"
Returning to his room, Istvan was lost in thought. Let's say the evil Aya Naya really kills the Indians, but how and why? However, the methods may be different, for example, to send damage. For what purpose does he do this? And, most importantly, why do corpses disappear? Perhaps the spirit of the deceased raises his body and takes him somewhere? No, what nonsense!Isstvan's mind was in confusion. But he was a man of action, and therefore he soon questioned the leader and his son about all the details. It turned out that the bodies disappear on the third night after the funeral.When an old man died two weeks later at the other end of the village, Istvan decided to follow his grave.“This is unreasonable, brother,” Apu Uma admonished him, “and very dangerous. Only Viracocha knows what happens when the body disappears. Suddenly all living things around perish?“Believe me, Great Leader, I will find out the truth,” Isstvan replied grimly. “I don’t want an incomprehensible curse weighing
Listening to the leader, Istvan could not recover from amazement. So the Templars were in the West Indies long before Señor Columbus?“The Order was rich,” he reflected, “and could well equip an expedition to search for new lands. The Templars sailed here and found huge reserves of silver and gold. So that's where the legends about the untold wealth of the order came from! Some came to rule the Incas, others left, taking away priceless treasures on ships. And then what? They returned forever ... Probably, it was under Philip the Handsome, who banned the order and arrested everyone he could find. But many Templars escaped and lived here until their deaths. Why didn't they leave offspring? Posing as gods? Of course, they were monks! They could not have intercourse with women and remained faithful to their vow even in such conditions. How many times have I broken my vow of chastity? Eh..."This discovery shocked Istvan. All his knowledge of the history of the conquest of the West Indies
Religion occupied a huge place in the life of the tribe. Everywhere in the village and beyond there were so-called waki - sacred things and places. Uakoy could be anything - a bunch of stones stacked in a special way, a rock, a hill, a stream, a spring, an idol carved from wood, like standing on a kurikancha. The Indians carefully looked after all the Huacas. A special place of worship was Nayakuna Pirka - a long stone wall built to the east of the village, which consisted of separate cavities. In them, the inhabitants of the village buried the dead, closing each niche with a wooden door.As Istvan mastered Quechua, he learned more and more about the views of the Indians.“There are three worlds around us,” said Sampa Anka, “underground, earthly and divine. The underworld, Uku Pacha, is ruled by the ferocious god of death, Supai. All dead, unborn babies, some snakes, worms and seeds live there. In the earthly world, Kai Pacha, we are people, but also animals, birds, plants and ghosts.