On a cloudy October day in 1547, majordomo Luigi Alamanni entered the queen's chambers, where she, surrounded by ladies-in-waiting, was sitting at embroidery. This noble Italian, the most educated person, poet and philosopher, once participated in a conspiracy against the future Pope Clement the Seventh, and when the conspiracy was discovered, he fled to France and entered the service of the king. For the past three years, Senor Alamanni has acted as Catherine's majordomo, and she, seeing the Italian's devotion, asked him to be by her side all the time.

“Your Majesty,” he announced with a bow, “the señor de Gondi has come. He asks to be accepted on an important matter.

Catherine nodded, and a minute later the major-domo brought in a short, stout gentleman dressed in the Italian style. With a deep bow, he approached and said in Italian:

“Your Majesty, my envoy has returned.

The queen motioned for the ladies-in-waiting to come out and, concealing her impatience, turned to the Florentine
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