Later, recalling this day, François felt a slight shiver: a little more, and the boy would have been burned. And, of course, he couldn't help but admire the Grand Inquisitor. He was confused, delayed with his words for at least half a minute, and a panic would begin in the crowd, caused by the sudden darkness. But Don Fernando not only distracted people, he gave them something to do - to read a prayer. And just during it, the sunlight returned, further strengthening the faith of the townspeople.

On the way to the Alcazar, the queen said:

- I'm so glad, uncle, that you came with me. If you had not managed to notice the sign in time, the saint would have been burned.

François laughed happily. This day was dear to him, but in the end everything worked out. "Thank you, Nostrdam!"

Don Rodrigo was shocked. How can you deliberately cause a solar eclipse? The Spaniard was infinitely grateful to Francois, but began to be wary of him - is he really a sorcerer? Romagniac was forced to tell about
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