Events began to develop four days after the wedding. On the morning of August 22, an assassination attempt was made on Coligny. It was only by a lucky chance that the admiral survived, but the attacker wounded him in the arm and shot off his finger. The indignant Protestants began to arm themselves, took under guard the house of Coligny and the surrounding streets. Threats of revenge were heard from everywhere. The townspeople, on the contrary, rejoiced at the attack on the head of the Huguenots and regretted that he had survived. Paris buzzed like a disturbed beehive.

In the evening of the next day, Francois was walking in the Tuileries Garden, next to which Catherine's new palace was being completed. The day before, at a reception in the Town Hall, an unusual dish was served - grated frozen fruits with milk, which the guests liked so much that many of them ate several servings. Among them was François, but these excesses played a cruel joke on him: he had a cold in his throat, lost
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