After the coronation celebrations ended so tragically, several days passed, and then feasts and balls resumed. Now they were no longer dedicated to Henry's accession to the throne, but became a common occurrence in his reign. The king paid almost no attention to state affairs, he was much more interested in holidays and receptions. Evening and night he devoted to balls, and during the day he usually slept. When the gentry began to grumble that Heinrich did not fulfill his promises, Francois decided to talk with his "nephew", but received a sharp rebuff.

- Remind me, uncle, who is the king, me or you? Heinrich asked bitterly.

“Of course you are, sir,” François replied calmly, “that is why you should devote more time to the affairs of the state.

- So, since I'm the king, it's up to me to decide what needs to be done.

Sir, the gentry are unhappy...

- Well, what do you want from me? Heinrich exclaimed capriciously. “I sit in these terrible meetings almost every day. You have no idea how b
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