Two days later, Prince Rubets-Mosalsky was already in Tula and informed Dimitri that Fyodor and Maria Godunova had been poisoned. Having crossed himself, the tsarevich ordered to get ready and the next day went to Moscow. On the way, he drove into villages and villages, everywhere he was met with bread and salt, joyful cries and assurances of humility. The prince spoke kindly to everyone, promising to be not a judge, but a father.

Finally, on June 20, 1605, Demetrius entered the capital through the Serpukhov Gates. Ahead of him marched the Polish guards, an equestrian squad with trumpets and fluttering banners, drummers marched behind them, priests with crosses walked sedately behind them, behind - Cossacks, archers in scarlet caftans and other troops. The procession was closed by a huge number of carriages and wagons, in which the boyars and prominent citizens from all over the Russian kingdom rode. In the midst of all this splendor, on a richly decorated horse, the prince rode in fu
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