Taking a breath, Dr. Gold looked out the window and said:

“It’s already getting dark, you’re tired, and I’m tired beyond measure. I didn't expect my story to take so long. If you come tomorrow, I will have time to rest and continue. And now I just have to finish the sad story of Dimitri. However, you yourself probably know what happened to him.

- I'm ashamed to admit it, but no, - the vicar shook his head, - I only briefly heard about False Dmitry, I don't know any details.

- Well ... Late in the evening on Friday, July 16, 1606, I left the Marina, returned to my palace and, flushed with alcohol, fell asleep soundly. But at dawn I was awakened by the ringing of bells: they sounded the alarm in the church of St. Elijah on the other side of the Fire. Still not fully awake, I rushed to the window and shouted to the Germans on guard:

- What's happened?

“It seems that Moscow is on fire, your royal grace,” one of the guards yelled back.

There was a knock on the door, and Basmanov, who usual
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