Dr. Gold took a glass of water from the bedside table and took a few sips. The vicar waited patiently for him to continue.

“Reverend Martin arrived three days later. Forewarned by Dorothea, I had been waiting for him since morning. I confess that I was worried, because if my plan did not work, it would be very difficult to invent another one. From constant malnutrition, I could hardly stand on my feet, and my head did not think well.

The Confessor appeared in the late afternoon. Hearing footsteps, I stood up and soon saw a fat, elderly priest followed by Dorka.

- Holy father! I yelled.

He approached, and Dorothea tactfully stepped aside.

“Holy father, I beg you, help me!” I did nothing wrong, why is the countess punishing her poor servant?

“Your duty to the Lord is to be devoted to your mistress, my son.

“But I was treated unfairly!”

“Pride is a bad ally,” the reverend replied importantly, “humble yourself, my son.

“Oh, holy father, if you were here, in a cage, in my body, and I in yo
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