During his next visit to Rome, Stefanio unexpectedly met Roberto Bantini at the Quirinal Palace.

“Owl,” Stephanio rushed to him and then noticed that the old friend was dressed in cardinal clothes. The Bishop stood up in amazement, as if rooted to the spot.

“Yes, yes,” Roberto smiled, “now I am a cardinal and I live here in Rome.

“Congratulations,” Stephanio said sincerely. Of course, he felt a little annoyed that Bantini was ahead of him, but in fact he was glad for his friend. It's strange that I haven't heard about it.

- Really weird. Where you stopped?

- Cardinal Dethy's.

Why not Mario? I heard he got married...

“I don’t want to disturb the young ones,” Stephanio laughed.

- Well, next time I ask you to me.

- Well, since you are in Rome now, then, of course, I will not pass by.


“My dear Andrea, the unfortunate brother Siro writes to you. I still live in Mantua with a few servants, and my position is unenviable. However, I took up the pen not to upset you with the details of my
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