Istvan crossed the ocean for the first time. However, outwardly, he could not find any differences from the Mediterranean Sea, along which he sailed a hundred years ago on the Starfish. The same boundless water surface, closing on the horizon with the sky, the same waves with cheerful foamy lambs and a light breeze.

Listening to the creaking of the masts and the flapping of the sails in the wind, Istvan recalled the years spent on the Starfish, the brave and loving Blanca, the adventures in Tangier, the attack of the pirates. Why does fate take away everyone he loves from him?

The priest stood at the side of the brig, licking his lips, salty from sea spray, and thought, thought, thought ... After the murder of Calvo, he did not have time to comprehend what had happened, but now, on the way, the pain from the loss of his son returned with renewed vigor. "My poor Mario! It's terrible to think what they did to you!" Istvan also had other thoughts: "None of my children lived to be twenty
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