“A long time ago,” Philip began in a singsong voice, “there was a knight, and his name was Verbero, and the people gave him the nickname Blackheart. He was brave to the point of recklessness and so strong that no one could compare with him in battle. But at the same time - cruel and ruthless, and they said that the devil controls him. Verbero rampaged both in the war and on his own lands. It often happened that he beat and killed his servants, and offended and deceived his equals. And when he fell in love with the daughter of his vassal, he took her from her father by force and married her. Many knights fought with him, but he emerged victorious from any duel.

And a great murmuring arose in his land, and people went to his lord, the duke, so that he would justly judge Verbero. The duke called the vassal to his castle and in the presence of barons and knights asked him:

“Is it true, noble Verbero, what they say about you?” Is it true that you took your daughter by force from a vassal a
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