As soon as they finished whispering to each other, Alexander's stomach began to make sounds. This was evidence of his hungry stomach, like a beggar on the street who hardly gets enough food to satisfy himself.Isabella, on the other hand, heard this and realized that her father was hungry yet refused to dig into the food first.When Alexander saw that his stomach had given him away, he crafted a silly smile on his face, similar to a mischievous wink from a guilty secret.Even so, Isabella said nothing. The only thing she did was gently pick up the fork and knife beside the food and dig in.When she took a bite of the food, she looked at her father, expecting that he would have already done the same. However, she was disappointed because Alexander only stared at her like a statue, lacking the ability to move even an inch.But slowly and eventually, his eyebrows lifted in a way that he expected a response from Isabella, which Isabella failed to understand, similar to a difficult equatio
As Isabella slipped back into her car, she let out a deep sigh and continued to observe the people eating and talking at the FlavourFusion Bistro restaurant. She then marveled at the fact that her disguise had worked perfectly and that no one was able to recognize her."I will keep this scarf and use it whenever there are many people around," she said. Hence, she slowly glanced at the trunk in her car, then stretched her hand towards it and opened it. Inside, she saw her gun.Slowly, once more, she reached into the trunk and picked up the gun. She examined it closely, like a watch repairer inspecting a faulty watch, and pulled the safety off as if she wanted to aim at someone right from her car."This is how they do it in the movies," she said, immediately pointing it at a rearview mirror from inside the car, closing one eye while keeping the other one open."Bang," she whispered, bringing the gun close to her eyes again and examining it once more."You should not be doing this in pub
"It's weird how Ethan got to find out when you created a fake alert deposit to the Woodmark Central Company, Eldridge Financial Department. But you have not answered my question; you only told me about the event that happened. So, what wrong information did you give my father, Alexa?""Yes, Isabella, I have not indeed told you the wrong information I gave Master Alexander. I was just about to get there," Alexa said."Alright, speak up already," Isabella said immediately."Yes, I will, Isabella. But wait a second more. I am trying to acquire the date," Alexa said at once, continuing."On the 12th of October 1996, Master Alexander wanted to intercept the cash flow from one of Woodmark Industries' branches in Harmonia City to the headquarters' financial department. As always, he used me to intercept the cash flow. This was also Master Alexander's first time wanting to intercept profit from other branches and siphon it to his private accounts. But I failed. The system the other branch use
The video played on the screen was of the time Davis John stepped out of the beach house and helped move Alexander and Victorial, who were unconscious, into the ambulance with the paramedics. Also, the video visibly captured Davis’ eyes nodding at Isabella, who was already in the ambulance. Hence, the video was taken away and returned to the interview."So, do you still say you do not know any Davis John, Mrs. Victorial Sinclair?" the journalist asked."I do not understand. Did you bring me here on air to interrogate me? You can see very clearly from the video that my ex-husband and I were being moved into the ambulance on stretchers. We were unconscious and do not know anything that happened around us. Who knows how long we were unconscious for? I have never seen him in my house before, and this revelation of him being in my house is just very shocking to me right now," Victorial yelled."I apologize, Mrs. Victorial Sinclair. It was never our intention to vex you. We just wanted clar
If Isabella knew how she felt after watching the interview, it was a lie. She did not know whether she should hate her mother for betraying her father so quickly or if she should try to understand it from her mother’s point of view and let it slide.But just like her father had said at the restaurant earlier, this was a matter for later; they would come back to discuss it as a family. Their main focus right now should be nothing else but Ethan Mark being roasted like a chicken.As Isabella approached Eldridge, she couldn't believe what had just happened on the road. There had never been a time when the road was blocked by the police or road maintenance crews. However, the road was suddenly blocked, and she wondered why.While she parked her car a short distance away from the obstruction, she looked around and noticed that the road was in perfect condition, making her wonder even more why it was blocked.In her line of sight, there was a sturdy van that prevented her sleek car from pas
However, that wasn't all Alexa said at that moment. "I can teach you how to jump-start a car, Isabella. But even if I do that, I don't know how you'll move this van off the road. Unless I tell you what to do and you do it, regardless of the damage you might cause to the van,""Do I look like I care about this van? If damaging it gets it off the road, then so be it. Tell me how to jump-start this van, and I can head to Eldridge. Remember, I'm running out of time," Isabella said."Alright, Isabella. I'll teach you. So, listen carefully. The first thing you want to do is...""Get out of the van right now, Isabella. Get out!" Alexa suddenly cautioned But Isabella wondered what had suddenly happened and asked,"What's happening, Alexa? Why are you suddenly telling me to get out of this van?""If I tell you to get out, get out. Don't ask questions. You can ask later. Get the heck out of that van now and run!" Alexa warned. However, if it wasn't too late for Isabella, it was a lie. Before sh
Even so, Isabella didn't allow the fear gripping her neck at this moment to become apparent to Elara like a carefully concealed secret under a mask of composure.When she heard Elara say that she was ready to pull the trigger on her, Isabella stopped smirking and maintained a straight face.Within her, her heart pounded in panic like African drums in the jungle, her bound legs shook like earthquakes, and her tied hands grew sweaty like rainfall on earth.Nevertheless, if Elara noticed any of this, it was a lie. And at that moment, she pulled her chair closer to Isabella, pressed the pistol against Isabella's head, and had her skin kiss it."Let’s play a game," Elara said, taking a deep breath as if struggling to breathe, and continued, "If you're a good girl and follow my rules, maybe I'll end your life with less pain. But if you make me angry, I'll make your death slow, and you know what they say about slow deaths, right?""What do they say about slow death?" Isabella asked, fixing h
At once, after Elara hit Isabella on the face, she said nothing more but walked towards the table where Isabella could see her fancy bag. Without understanding what Elara was up to, Isabella observed how she placed her pistol on the table.Hence, Elara moved to the other side of the table, where Isabella couldn't see her face, unlike the back of her head that Isabella saw as Elara walked to the table before.Now, Elara remained silent, focusing solely on the table. Her hands were busily arranging items that Isabella couldn't see, as the table was too high for her to properly observe unless she stood up.Even when she attempted to stand upright and get a better view of what Elara might be doing on the table, she couldn't due to the way her legs were tied together, restricting her body's movement.No matter how deeply she pondered and how far her thoughts traveled about Elara's actions, she couldn't reach a conclusion. Yet Elara continued to remain silent. However, at this moment, a smi
Pushing her back into her prison cell like a reluctant pawn being returned to its square on a chessboard, Isabella fell on the prison floor, resembling a fragile autumn leaf descending with a surrender to the inevitable embrace of the cold, hard ground. No matter how her voice had risen in anger towards her mother in the meeting room, she knew very well that she wanted to read the contents of the letter in the envelope and discover the help Ethan Mark had promised her. "Would he file for my release?" "Has he bought me a home as a sign of my forgiveness?" "Would he take me back as his wife?" Different questions rushed through her mind like a tumultuous river, each query cascading over the other. As she held the envelope in her hand, she sat at the corner of her cell and stared at it much more closely. In this way, she saw that the surface of the envelope bore a faint trace of handling, like a blank canvas marked only by the weight of the untold. She also observed the edges, crisp
As Isabella saw her mother through the glass panel, her eyes first peered at her face, which was fresh and glowing like a sun-kissing morning, radiating warmth and vitality. Similarly, she observed her hair, cascading strands of silk, flowing effortlessly, resembling a gentle waterfall gracing a serene landscape.But if that were all, it would be a lie. She also noticed her dress, which was as beautiful as a field of blooming flowers, each petal a vibrant hue, creating a tapestry of elegance. Likewise, her neck, ears, and wrists were adorned with jewelry, resembling constellations adorning the night sky, each piece a sparkling star in the galaxy of her elegance.Taking in this perfect image of her mother, the thought immediately struck Isabella that her mother's current appearance was the complete inverse of hers—a mess in a uniform and in a confined space, akin to a wildflower struggling to bloom in a cramped garden bed."Been a while," Victoria Sinclair said again, immediately as Is
Like a fish forced to live in the desert for the crime she had committed, Isabella's prison days wove a bleak tapestry of monotony and despair. The cold, unforgiving reality of prison life left her yearning for freedom, with each passing moment feeling like an eternity. The absence of familiar faces and the pervasive loneliness created a profound sense of desolation that permeated every aspect of her existence.Most especially, the daily beatings from her tormentor, Elara Whitewind, resembled an unrelenting storm, leaving Isabella's spirit battered and broken, akin to a shipwreck in the tempest of her despair. This was the reason she wished she had never set foot in the prison yard, mess hall, or communal bathroom ever again.However, whether she wished to visit those places or not, prison protocol had to be followed, leaving her no choice but to be present even in the devil's face if the protocol demanded it.In the dimly lit mess hall, clattering trays and hushed conversations fille
Ethan said nothing in response to Mr. Alexander's words. Instead, as if he hadn't heard him, he seized a seat on the other side of the table and crossed his left leg over his right.Yet, this did not mean he spoke at this moment. The only sound was the rhythmic tapping of his fingers on the table, as if he were playing an invisible piano.In this manner, Ethan Mark exuded authority. Gazing calmly from Mr. Alexander's feet to the tangled mess of hair atop his head, he looked at him. With a serenity akin to the gentle flow of the Nile and a voice as soft as a satisfied dove contemplating a defeated jungle lion, he suddenly spoke."Kneel and apologize."Upon hearing these words, Mr. Alexander's eyes widened in shock. He never anticipated a day when he would be asked to kneel and beg for mercy, especially from the person he had always regarded as a poor bastard.Like an enslaved cat in the presence of a lion, Mr. Alexander fell to his knees as Ethan Mark instructed, pleading, "I was a ter
Seeing how bold, tall, and dangerous this prisoner appeared and observing his audacious manner of poking at him was akin to witnessing a prowling lion, confident in its dominance, taunting its prey before the impending strike. Mr. Alexander then immediately turned his back, attempting to escape from this menacing part of the communal bathroom like a startled deer seeking refuge from the looming threat in the dark forest. "I have to run," he muttered in total fright, his voice a tremor in the echoing silence, like a desperate whisper carried away by the chilling wind of impending danger. However, if his intention was for success, it was a futile hope. "And where do you think you are running to, huh?" Another prisoner said this behind him and pushed him forward like a pawn on the unforgiving chessboard of the prison's power dynamics. As Mr. Alexander was pushed forward, he witnessed how the older prisoners immediately surrounded him. He also noticed how they revealed smirks on their c
After speaking for hours, the man who had conversed with him advised Mr. Alexander to get some sleep. He emphasized the importance of having alert eyes to observe any unfortunate events that might occur in the morning. And with that, Mr. Alexander retreated to the corner of his cell once again, burying his head in his ankle like a ship seeking refuge in the harbor of solitude, sheltering itself from the tempest of the prison's harsh reality. He sat on the ground, succumbing to a haunted sleep. *** The next morning revealed Mr. Alexander as a mere specter of resilience, marked by the weariness of a night spent in the clutches of haunted dreams, like a tattered flag fluttering weakly after enduring the relentless storm of a sleepless night. His eyes, burdened with unrest, betrayed the toll of his surroundings. Disheveled strands of hair clung to his forehead, bearing witness to the restless hours entangled in unsettling dreams. As he rose from the dark corner of his cell, his eyes fir
"Long story, man," the man answered. However, if this was all he said, it was a lie. He began to unravel his own narrative, detailing how his legs became amputated and one of his hands irreparably broken and dislocated."You see, I entered this prison as a healthy man. My crimes weren't that significant. I robbed a bank because I couldn't bear to watch my daughter suffer. We hadn't eaten for days, and robbing the bank seemed like my only option." He took a deep sigh and continued talking."Yes, you guessed right. The mission was unsuccessful, and before I knew it, I was completely surrounded by the police. I had no guns, only a knife and a dagger. I never headed to the vault but collected pieces from each person I encountered in the bank. I just wanted to be able to feed my daughter and move on with life the next day.""While being surrounded, there was nothing more I could do than raise my hands in the air and let the police apprehend me. God knows it was the biggest mistake I ever m
Arriving at the prison, Mr. Alexander saw how the prison walls were imposing, resembling a fortress of despair that stood as a testament to the shadows of society. Certainly, he shook his head in regret, as he had never been to a place this horrible before.He observed cold steel bars, like sentinels of incarceration, confining notorious men whose stories were etched in the graffiti of hardened souls. Similarly, he noticed how the air hung heavy with the weight of regret, whispers of past misdeeds echoing through the dimly lit corridors.The sounds of his handcuffs tucked in chains down to his ankle made obvious sounds as he was escorted through the corridor harboring the cells of different notorious men by two prison officers whose faces lacked smiles, as if they hadn't smiled for many notorious years. Hence, he saw individuals behind these cells harboring untold secrets with their unappealing faces and frightful behaviors.Upon witnessing him and the others being escorted to their r
“Detective Sharon, we would love to ask you a few questions if you do not mind. We are sure this would help the public understand more of what is going on,” one reporter said immediately. “Alright, please go ahead. If this would help the general public understand more of what is going on, “Thank you, Detective Sharon. Now that Mr. Alexander, Mr. X, and Attorney Hughes have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms, and Attorney Reynolds is awaiting the outcome of his investigation before he is sentenced, do you think that would be the end of this deadly organization?” “Yes, Mr. X. Mr. Alexander Rosewood and Attorney Hughes have been sentenced to prison for a very long term, and if care is not taken, for life imprisonment. However, this is not the end of the organization. As you might already know, the deadly organization is a large organization that has penetrated every sector, which could even include the police, the prison officers, the legal system, and many more, which could even i