Mind of a conqueror
Fighting the demons was already something they struggled to win; now they are meant to battle a devil, and the goal wasn't even to defeat it but to survive.

Ethan stared at the system as it soon formed into a GPS, pinpointing the location of the devil and the distance between them and the devil.

Under the GPS, there was a warning:

[Failing to battle the devil will close all the doors for that person to leave hell, like the Simulated Kingdom, you will be left here while the others leave.]

'This way, I can't even ask Elfina to rest while I take care of it,' he thought to himself as he stared at Elfina, who was also staring at the system window hovering in the air in front of her.

She nodded her head at him as though asking him not to worry about her safety. He nodded his head at her, and the both of them started sprinting towards the location of the king of hell.

Surprisingly, there was no single demon on the way, only the brimstones and the flame buzzing with darkness and powers.

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