09 Cornered

Ashley turned to the receptionist. "Could you tell me Tessa's room number? Don't be alarmed; we are soon to be sisters-in-law. My wedding's tomorrow, so I need to discuss a few things. But Tessa's phone is switched off."

Bella was reluctant, but it was difficult to say no to someone from the Palmer family, who could purchase the Marigold Hotel with a snap of their fingers. Besides, the union between the Graysons and the Palmers was the talk of the town. It was usual for the bride to barge into her future sister-in-law's room a day before the wedding.

"Miss Grayson is in Suite No. 4," Bella said. "But she doesn't want to be disturbed..."

Ashley ignored her and rushed into the elevator. On the way up, she tried to put things together in her head. The back panel of the elevator was a mirror, and Ashley observed her reflection. She had missed looking like that.

After their wedding, Jake ruined her beauty and health by imprisoning her in a maid's room. She was treated worse than a servant and fed worse than a stray dog.

"If I break up with Jake, he'll find another way to steal my inheritance," she mused. "If I get married to Jake, I will be starved and tortured into sickness, made into a miserable housemaid, and my beauty will fade. Scarlet might eventually kill me. Which path do I take?"

Ashley also realized that her gorgeous looks had spoiled her and blinded her to the apparent mortal danger from her fiance and step-sister. Her father's wealth had shielded her from the world's actual pain and suffering, making her an insufferable idiot.

'Have I changed?' she wondered. 'My mysterious return to the past—is it another chance to redeem my life?'

The Ashley of the past was vain, overconfident, with no direction. She was spoiled by her father, her boyfriend, and her social circle. Now that the beauty had returned to the past, she needed a new purpose. Why was she rescued?

The elevator door hissed and opened into a long corridor that looked like an endless vista. The walls on both sides were ten-foot-tall, with five thousand-gallon aquariums. Dollar fish, tank mates, angelfish, and a few catfish swam around in the conservative lighting.

Ashley walked up to Suite No. 4 and rang the bell.

Tessa, a petite eighteen-year-old, threw open the door, much alive, and greeted her with a smile.

"Ashley?" she chirped. "Whassup, sis? How did you find me?"

Ashley's eyes moistened to see Tessa again. She couldn't resist and pulled her into a hug. The girl struggled in vain. "Hey! Let me go! You'll crumple my dress!"

When the young woman finally let go of her, she made a grumpy face. "You're a crazy lady! I'm calling the guards!" she joked.

As future in-laws, they were as close as sisters. The duo had hit off from the very first time Jake introduced them. Most of what Tessa knew about fashion and other trends she had learned from Ashley. They were mentor-mentees as well as best friends.

The girls went shopping together at Gucci, Hermes, and Chanel. Ashley had introduced her to the Chris Chase salon she frequented. She had also helped the teen to seduce her school crush.

"Ashley, is everything all right?" Tessa asked with concern. 

"Tessa… It would be best if you came with me," she replied. "Let's get out of this hotel as soon as possible."

Tessa furrowed her brows. "Come with you? Leave the hotel? Why? What's going on?"

Ashley bit her lip, wondering what to tell the girl. Would speaking the truth alarm her? Yes, that was the right decision. The killers could arrive at any moment.

"Your life is in danger, Tess. We need to leave now! There's no time!"

The girl took a step back in disquiet. "Danger? What are you talking about?"     

"I'm not sure myself. But I had a vision about your death in this hotel room, and I came running to prevent it."

Tessa broke into laughter. "A vision? Are you drunk, sis? No, wait, is this a prank? Please, your wedding is tomorrow! You need to rest and hit the salon."

Footsteps echoed down the corridor as a man exited the service lift. He was dressed in the Marigold staff uniform but was too burly and severe-looking. 

Ashley eyed him with anxiety. 'There is no way the hotel hired such a hulk for housekeeping,' she figured. 'He must be Tessa's killer!'

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