13 Danger

'Tree-huggers' was a derogatory term for environmental activists. Spencer had received a death threat the previous night. Of course, public menaces endangering a wealthy man's life were nothing new in Norwich.

Stuart Spencer was the fifth richest billionaire in the city, behind the Graysons and the Palmers. His primary business was marine foods.

Lately, Spencer had diversified his interests, signing a memorandum with a Japanese company for whale oil. Kujira-hashi Inc., the leading whaling corporation in the world, was their supplier in the venture.

However, a sting operation led to breaking news that the company had a dark past of brutality towards marine wildlife. Whales were not the only mammals they killed.

Environmental activists had flocked in hundreds to the Spencer corporate building and staged protests. A riot had started and had disbanded after the police intervened with tear gas.

Then, the death threats and attempts began. Threatening emails. Morbid letters. Poisoned cak
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