“What has always made hell on earth has been that man who tried to make it his heaven.”
In a dump yard, a teenage boy was digging trash with his shovel. Hoping that he might stumble upon things that still have their value. He digs and digs, his clothes covered with mud and grease. The smell of spoiled food rubs on his body. His hair is an unkempt appearance. Just by looking at him, you would know that he is someone living a hard life.
While digging, an apple with a bite was thrown at his head.
“Look it was the dirty guy again... So dirty and smelly.”
“Don’t say that darling… Is very unfortunate in his life. Look at the bigger perspective. He knows his place in the world. He knows that his value is the same as the trash.”
“Hahahaha… Yeah, he's going to die like trash. I can’t just accept that we’re sharing the same air with a dude like him. I buy some condoms let's have fun in my house.”
“Do you think men like him will be able to fuck a girl?”
“Of course not… Who would like someone as smelly as him? Let's hurry up before my parents come home.”
The two couples leave the dirty boy. The boy stays silent during their conversation. Arguing with people like them is not something he is used to doing. Discussing with them will only ignite conflict.
The boy touched his cheeks with a bandage. Reminiscing the time he tried to argue and got beaten down by a group of people just by standing up for himself. There is a point in putting so much attention on irrational people like them.
Even he put his mind on ignoring them. His ears were still able to hear their words loudly. Pain runs in his heart. There is nothing he can do about it. They are mostly right after all it was a reality that he knows fully well himself.
Shed of tears drips on his eyelids down to his cheeks. The tear touched his bruise and made him feel a sting of pain.
After digging she took all the items where he can still find value in a sack. Going back to his home located on the outskirt of the floating island. Unlike Paradise or the inner area protected by walls and standing in secure land where no one could ever fall.
The outskirt also known as the slums is a place overly populated. House-made of thin wood walls or used roof. Always noisy, smelly, rundown, and filthy. Overall living in slums is the worst. Compared to the Paradise area is very clean and nice looking. People living in Paradise are the only people born into noble families. Living a comfortable live day by day. They smiled while people in the slums continue to struggle like rats. It is like heaven and Hell in comparison.
Speaking of Heaven and Hell. The floating island in the sky are all called Heaven and downward is what they called Hell. Hell is the place where they throw their garbage and throw people who committed crimes. No matter what kind of crime someone committed. They will be thrown into hell immediately. The strict rule of Heaven society.
On the side of the street in the slums. The dirty boy earlier has his toolbox open. On his hand is fixing a lamp. After replacing some busted parts, and recycling parts from other items. He's able to fix the Lamp and make it work perfectly fine.
His eyes gleam as he looks toward his achievement. He displayed his lamp as one of his items to sell.
“This will sell about 3 silvers.” He muttered.
“You went collecting trash again!? Red!”
“There is a rumor that someone is stealing items from the dump yard. The paradise is extremely strict about waste control. What if you get caught?”
The boy named Red lowered his head toward the girl named Choco. A girl who's the same age as him. Like him, she is living in the slums, But unlike Red, Choco is born into a middle-class family. Because of that Choco was able to attend school in Paradise and wear clean clothes.
“I’m not stealing them… They throw this stuff. That means no one owns them anymore.”
“Why do you keep putting yourself in danger to salvage those things?”
“Rich people toss out stuff that still has value… I feel sorry for the thing they discarded… Well, the rest is to make a living.”
“... Red like garbage then.”
“It's not like that…”
Choco puffed her cheeks trying to comprehend what value Red saw in the trash. She can’t deny that she is impressed with Red’s skill in fixing broken stuff.
Walking toward them were two boys from Choco’s class.
“That stinky smell… I know where it's coming from!”
“This place reeks of trash!”
“Hey! Choco you’re here too? Why are you hanging out with this dirty man? Doesn’t it smell when you’re with him?”
“I mean, just look at him… Always dirty and unkempt. Even the slightest touch of him was enough to make me itch. He looks so disgusting.”
“Yeah, stay away from him.”
The boy put his arm on Choco’s shoulder. Choco retorted and push him away from her.
“Why not? We’re not all that different!”
“No! I still won’t recommend hanging out with him. After all, he is the son of a murderer!”
“Bird same feather flocks together. So if you’re with him, that makes you the same as him…”
Red turned his glaring eyes toward the boys talking shit in front of him. His eyes scarlet red eyes were so intimidating the boy flinched.
“S… See! Those eyes are the eyes of a criminal! Like father like son. You’ll be a murderer someday, idiot!”
The boys turned their tails in fear and run away.
“What am I supposed to do?”
“That’s a nasty thing to say… I know Red is not his parents. I believe in you! You’re not like those bad guys who kill people.”
Red faces flustered a bit after hearing Choco’s words in her cute voice.
“Is… is that so…”
“Ah! What is this?! What is this teddy bear? It's super cute! Did you fix it Red? You’re amazing Red!”
“That one is not for sale.”
“It's not for sale… So I’m giving it to you…”
Before his voice was heard by Choco. Choco was called by her parents in a loud voice.
“What are you doing there, let's go home!”
“I have to go… See you.” Choco left off walked to her mother and helped her carry some groceries.
Seems like my timing is off… Maybe I should be saying it in loud voice next time.
After his failed attempt he continue fixing broken items and selling them at low prices.
The sun is a seating and while walking on the street he happened to turn his face toward a television screen. On the screen, a couple is having a wedding together looking very happy with each other. While watching Red started imagining the girl to be Choco. But for some reason, he can’t imagine himself being with her.
He shifted his glance to his reflection from the glass window. He can see clearly why people called him disgusting.
I’m so dirty and poor… Not even handsome or smart… No one will be able to love me. What kind of people will cherish someone like me?
“What are you looking at, young man?”
“Who is the dirty old man?”
“I don’t want to hear that from you… I’m just your regular homeless beggar. Oh? Are you jealous of that couple’s wedding on television? I agree they look great to each other… Are you thinking of someone special?”
“Hahahaha… That bushing red face… I’m right on the money. Don’t worry about anything just tell her that you like her. She may call you to creep or something, at least you got an answer from her.”
Red made deep thinking regarding the words of the beggar. He down and look again at his face.
I can’t even make a proper smile… There is no way she would like someone like me.
“You can say whatever you want… With this look, it's impossible. But this feeling in my chest… If I didn’t say anything to her… I feel like I’m going burst.”
Red runs away heading toward Choco’s house. Dashing in amazing speed. I wonder if she is at home right now.
While running, Red stopped due to exhaustion. While chasing his breath he accidentally turned his head to the edge of the floating island. Terror draws on his face as he looks toward the deep cliff that seeming has no end.
Right at that moment, he feels like it's staring back at him. Something in deep Hell is looking back at him. He don’t know what it was. The huge dump yard, the hell. All trash is eventually thrown into Hell.
Red’s parents who committed murder a long time ago were sent to hell.
“I wonder what happened to the people dropped in Hell… I heard someone got thrown yesterday again.”
“The trash scavenger looks so down huh…”
“Hm? Ch-Choco!”
“Fancy seeing you here. It's rare seeing you walk in this place.”
“Err… The view of the sunset is great over here.”
“It's not all that different from anywhere else in the slum… The reason the slum was built on the edge of paradise was to show his non-noble blood that, if you do something wrong, you’ll be cast into Hell. I don’t want to see them fall to their deaths… Hey Red… I don’t want you to fall into Hell… As simple as stealing, we can be thrown down to Hell. When they catch you stealing in the dump yard in Noble, you could be thrown to Hell. I love you so I don’t want to see you fall.”
Choco just realized she slip her lips. Her cute face appeared to be cuter while she bashfully look into Red’s eyes.
“I… It’s not like that… Err… Umm…”
I know… There’s no way possible she loves me romantically. She only likes me maybe as a friend. But that makes me happy. Seems like I don’t have to tell her that I love her.
Red took the teddy bear stuff toy he repair earlier and presented it to Choco.
“That stuffed toy…”
“You saw it and you seem to like it… You probably down want second-hand junk. But after seeing you earlier smiling. I think he wants to be with you… So… Here…”
Choco took the bear gently on Red's hand. She first stares at their cute big pupils and hugs him tightly on her chest.
“I’m so happy Red! I’ll always treasure him!”
Choco replied. The smile on her face was as bright as the sun. So cute that Red’s heart was pounding so hard.
“I think I must do something for you, Red… Let me repay your kindness.”
“No, there is no need for that.”
“I’m stubborn… So please let me or else there would be no end to the argument… I’m going to buy a drink. You seemed exhausted after all.”
“If you insist then… I want coffee… Black coffee.”
“You are a mature one, Red… Stay here, I know a vending machine nearby.”
Choco left still with her brimming smile. Red truly never thought that Choco would be extremely happy with his present. Red doesn’t care about who will have Choco in the future. As long as Choco is smiling brightly that is all that matters.
Red sat down on the bench waiting for Choco. It was taking her so long. Red started to become anxious.
“Is she playing fun with me? Did she leave me already? Choco is not that type of girl… She won’t leave without saying anything. I’ll be patient and wait…”
Red waited… Its been more than an hour passed since Choco left and she is still not returning. Red stood up from the bench chair and turned his body in the direction Choco go.
He was sure that the direction Choco go was away from her home. And this street where he was waiting is the only way she can return home.
Something is weird happening… The heavy feeling was pressed on Red. He gulp his saliva and walked toward the said vending machine.
“Choco! Choco! Stop teasing me and get out…”
Red calls as he walks. Then he stepped on a liquid. Liquid with metallic scent into it. The vending machine was placed on the side of the building near the dark alley.
Red becomes more nervous.
He turned his eyes to the dark alley and find Choco.
“Choco!!” Red shouted.
Choco has a long white sword stabbed in her chest. Her body already swimming in a pool of her blood.
Red runs toward her calling her name, but she can’t answer. No, there is no way she can answer because she’s already dead.
Red tried to carry her body to bring her to the nearest hospital or clinic. But before he was able to carry Choco. He was restrained by the security forces patrolling the area.
“Keep still! The murderer has been apprehended at the scene.”
“What? Why?”
“Take him!”
“What are you saying?! You’re mistaken! It's not me! It can’t be me!”
“Don’t make excuses murderer. You’ve got her blood all over your body.”
“You’re wrong! It's not me! Hey!”
“Shut up murderer!”
“Whatever you say is useless! You filthy non-noble blood.”
“Hear me out! I’ve been telling you that you were mistaken!”
“I said shut up!”
The security force punches Red in his stomach. Strength enough to put him unconscious.
It didn’t take long… The news about Red being a murderer spread like a wildfire. People keep talking about it. Choco’s parents are extremely angry with Red.
“We treated you kindly! Why did you take Choco’s life?! Tell me! Tell me!”
Choco’s mother cries.
“You have committed a grave felony in this beautiful paradise. Unsatisfied with scavenging garbage and polluting the streets… Red has committed the filthiest act of all… Murder!! According to the law of heaven society. We will not tolerate murderers living on this land, not even for a moment! Therefore, you are sentenced to fall into Hell.”
Red was left standing at the end of the cliff with his hand and body tied down together. One simple kick from behind and he's going to fall to Hell.
What the fuck is happening? How did this happen? It wasn’t me… It wasn’t me and yet… Please someone listen to me… Choco is not coming back… I regretted being unable to tell her how much I love her.
While despairing, Red turned his head behind him and noticed a knight covered in white armor wielding a sword similar to the sword on Choco’s chest. The sword is no ordinary sword, it has its distinct design and is well made.
A custom-made sword.
Before he was able to say anything he was kicked on his back. Falling from Heaven island to Hell.
“It was you! I’ll send you to hell! I’ll come back and kill you!”
He shouted.
Red woke up laying in a dump yard. He has no idea how he's able to survive the fall. Looking upward he can’t even see the heaven island.
Red was sent down to Hell… This place is a dump site. A place for evil humans. Filth of every kind can be found here.
Including demonic creatures.
Standing behind Red was a towering Scarlet-colored worm demon. It has no eyes only a giant mouth with multiple razor-sharp teeth inside.
“What the hell are you?”
What is this creature? I have never seen something as crazy as this before.
Red was astonished at the horror.
The worm demon charges toward Red at full speed. Red was petrified in fear. With wide-open eyes, he looks upon death.
And then…
The roar of flame and screeching scream of pain from the demonic worm was heard. A straight horizontal line was made when she swung her scythe.
“Return to hell.”
Greater flames were made burning down the scarlet demon worm.
“Hey… Don’t be stupid… In front of danger, you didn’t even move a single inch. You should be ashamed of how cowardly you are.”
A red-haired girl on twin tails. Age between 14 and 15. High-stacked attitude and burning red eyes looking down on Red.
This twin-tail girl continues scolding me… Who is she? My head is turning lighter and lighter. Everything started to spin.
Red after swirling thoughts in his head experience head burnout and whiten out.
“Wh-What?! What is happening?! Hey! I know you’re a weakling but please don’t die in front of me! Hey! Hey!”
10,000 thousand years in the future.
The earth was already destroyed and humans were already extinct. Intelligent robots from different planets visit the ruined earth for studies about human life. The rich history, the people that lived in it, and what creatures appeared in this said to be one of the most beautiful planets.
Meanwhile, on an unknown remote island, a shining gem was discovered in my search robots.
The robots were confused as they look into the reddish gem. The gem was dense with an unknown type of energy.
Inspecting carefully, they noticed a carving that reads. "Kikone."
"Found living life form... Nearby...", said robot A
"Found a life form... Found a life form." Robot B came flies toward robot A to check.
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It’s been three months since Mayu left the restaurant. Leaving me with just her letter. I still feel fearful about what's going to happen to her.As usual, the restaurant was lively and has many customers. Sasa and Nana are steadily getting used to serving customers quickly. Megumi was now the chef when Akane was gone.Akane also feels bitter about what Mayu decided to do. Even still, I know that Akane feels anxious about Mayu. She is her closest friend after all.“Welcome to the red riding restaurant. Can I take your order?”“It’s the rumored cutie in the restaurant. It’s Maple.”“Your name was so cute just like your face.”“Can I take your orders now?”A normal day has come and I was forced to smile as I look toward the customers. Most of them are annoying always asking for my phone number and more.I’m exhausted. I thought and then goes inside the back of the restaurant.In the back of the restaurant was an alley. They are almost no one walking in this place. Looking bout the sky.
Chapter 340: True happiness (END)
I have a dream… A very very long dream. A dream about me in the past. For a weird girl like me, childhood is rough. My family wasn’t as caring, but still, I’m grateful for the life they gave me.Without them, I would be unable to experience everything I’ve been through.Life comes in many flavors. Sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's bitter. Sour days always come and there is a stale, tasteless day of boredom.Back in Japan I only care about myself. I never thought that I would need someone at my side. I always think that I can do everything on my own.I keep proving that everyone else around me was wrong. I accumulate money and live alone. It was fun being able to do anything without someone yelling at you. This freedom and loop of happiness. Being a slave to pleasure is for sure. If not made moderate, it will surely destroy someone’s life.Where am I again? I see, I’m back in my house again.Waking up early in the morning, there as I wake up Marie and Shuri playing with Shirone and