Gathering Of Nobles

While inside a building.

There was a huge table. On it were various kinds of scented flowers and a glass of water. There were also several chairs on which people sat wearing luxurious clothes.

The atmosphere here was a little solemn and then the person sitting on the biggest chair said," Everyone has seen it, now let's discuss what we should do next."

Next to him, an old man said in a disdainful tone," What are you discussing? Temas have fallen completely. There are at least 300,000 wild orcs over there. According to one of five principles, we will lose 1.5 million soldiers. To get rid of them a minimum of 1 million soldiers would be wasted".

" Not to mention most of the nobles have already fled. They will only return after the orcs return to Savannah".

The acting governor said with a headache," Do you think I am willing to fight off those orcs. The second princess is present here, if not for here I would not be willing to take action".

" Let's wait for her to return then we can retreat or else we will be attacked by the council".

As soon as he finished speaking the atmosphere became a little more solemn.

Just when the nobles were thinking about how many troops to send to fight against those orcs, the door was suddenly opened and Sophia walked in.

Seeing her the nobles began to sweat coldly and they immediately bowed and greeted," Greetings Princess".

Sophia looked at the nobles and said in a cold tone," This is Master Mage John, from today onwards he will be granted a fief and will be also certified with a Baron title".

Most of the nobles were disdainful in their heart as the half-elves were usually used as male consorts so when they saw him they subsequently thought about those half-elves.

But when they heard he was a Master Mage, they didn't dare to say anything. As for them, they knew that Mages were mysterious people.

So the acting governor said to the servant," You go and bring the map of Temas".

As soon as the nobles heard the governor's words, their eyes flickered, and felt ecstasy in their hearts. Many nobles had abandoned their fief and some of them were killed by orcs. So he could not only grant the half-elf the title but also give him the territory near the orcs. If the half elf died then they would recover the territory easily.

How could Sophia not know the little thoughts of these nobles? But she didn't say anything as she also had the same thought. In addition, she would still give John some privilege as long as he drives out the orcs he could include them as his fief.

She did after careful thinking as her position was second princess and there was still an elder sister and two brothers. There would be a terrible fight so she wanted to pave the way for herself. Although many other small nobles were loyal to her their power can't be comparable to her other brothers and sisters.

But Master Mage's abilities had thoroughly conquered her. She could still remember those hundred orcs who died without any resistance. So she felt that maybe this Half-elf was her only way out.

Soon the servant came with a map of Temas.

It contained 15 small fiefs that covered 700 square kilometers. Of which there were already 7 places marked with red.

The acting governor immediately pointed toward the seven territories and said," Princess, except for Mist Haven and Starfall Town rest of the places had been destroyed and occupied by the orcs".

Sophia looked at John and said," Master Mage, you can pick any one of the two places. Also if you can drive the orcs and capture the other five places then you can include them all in your territory. Not only that if you manage to do so then you will be rewarded the extra territory and it will be also included in your territory thus making you a Viscount ".

As soon as the princess completed her words, the nobles couldn't sit still. Viscount Farah immediately said," Princess you can't do this"

Shopia immediately said in a cold tone," I haven't talked about the punishment that your son did Viscount Farah. Not to mention I also know that you are all giving up attacking those orcs. So of course I can decide what to do".

At this time the noble's face turned red and green but they didn't dare say a single thing. At this time Viscount Farah was already thinking of a way to prepare a gift that would reduce the punishment penalty for his son.

While John looked at the two places he found that Most Haven was closer to Dark Forest while Statfall was next to the sea. He hardly thought for a second and said," I will take the Mist Haven town".

The acting governor immediately said to the servant," Go and bring the Feif deed and token of the Mist Haven Town".

The servant immediately went away while John looked at the princess and said in a somewhat shameless tone," Princess, can you give me some starting funds".

Shopia was stunned and then she looked at Viscount Farah and said," Viscount Farah, if you don't want your son to be exiled please hand over 5000 gold coins now".

5000 gold coins were enough to make Farah's face turn green. He immediately said in a respectful tone," Princess, I will get them soon".

He then left in a hurry. As his whole body was full of fat his running style was a little funny.

The nobles didn't dare to say anything or else who knows what kind of charge the princess would put on them.

Time passed by and fifteen minutes later both Viscount Farah and the servant walked in.

The difference was one was carrying a jewelry box while the other was carrying a plate on which a scroll and token were placed.

Entering the room the servant walked to the acting governor and he placed the plate on the table.

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