Power Of Paralysis Seed

" You don't even know how to ride the horse. You are particularly useless." When the horse stopped, Keradi took the opportunity to taunt John.

John's face had already turned pale due to riding the horse. He tried his best to keep himself from vomiting and maintaining his only image.

After taking a few deep breaths, John glared at Keradi and said in a slightly angry tone," Who says I am useless, I'm just a bit uncomfortable. My magic will be more effective than you on the battlefield later".

" If you can make a difference then I will apologize to you then", Keradi snorted and said.

" Then it's settled", John responded.

" You two be a little quiet. It would be not good if we are discovered." Kaian couldn't stand anymore and interrupted.

Keradi curled his lips," Such a big movement, we will talk louder, it's nothing, it's all the same."

At this time there were five thousand soldiers here. If there was no noise then how could it be possible?

" Are you sure the wild orcs will pass from here?" John asked hesitantly.

The military commander Hemet nodded and said," Those wild orcs came from the northwest. They will eat everything along the way. Therefore they can't go back the same way."

" If you want to continue the attack you can only go south. Wherever you want to go southeast or southwest you must pass through this road. There is no other way around. Those orcs have a simple mind. They must have never imagined we set ambush here, so they will inevitably come from the middle continent."

At this time the soldiers had also created some simple traps but John felt that those traps might be hardly effective. But it could still help in hindering their movement speed.

" How do you deal with those orcs? Your magic power is not high, I am afraid that it will not be effective!" Keradi once again taunted John.

John sneered and said," Give me the arrows."

The guard next to him was taken aback, but then he passed the arrows to him. " Hmph, I will let you see the true ability of nature mage today".

John took out some paralysis seeds from the bag. Looking closely there was a little green light on the seeds. John's hand touched the arrow, and the seed stuck to the arrow shaft as if coated with strong glue. As he could easily control the woods it was an easy task for him to bind those seeds to the arrows.

It hardly took him some seconds to plant ten arrows. Then he handed the arrow to Kaian and said," You can use the arrow to deal with those orcs".

Keradi, Kaian, Hemet, and other soldiers had a suspicious look on their faces.

Keradi immediately took one arrow and he said," The arrow hasn't changed at all. It's still the same as the previous arrows, except there are some seeds stuck on the shaft of the arrow".

Then he stopped and asked in a slightly disdainful tone," You half- elf are you cheating us?"

John gave him a disdainful look and he said," Idiot. When the orcs will come then you will know the effect of my magic".

Then he looked at Kaian and said," I need more arrows also distribute each person this arrow and ask them to attack but the range must be within 200 meters".

Although Kaian was puzzled, he saw the confident expression on John's face. So he said," Okay, I will order them."

Keradi immediately took the opportunity to say in a sinister tone," Commander are there no punishment for failure".

John's expression became gloomy but he didn't dare to say anything as he was still a half-elf, not only that he didn't even have any military contribution points, and if he made these people angry then who knows when his head would be cut off.

Just at this time Jack took the lead and said," Commander you can give me those arrows. I will shoot them".

Kaian immediately handed the arrows to Jack and said," John, I hope your abilities will be as powerful as you say".

Then he raised his hands and asked everyone to be quiet.

Soon a guard came running and he was waving a red flag along with him.

Seeing this Kaian said," Guards ready the bows and arrows".

Jack also raised the bow and arrow and waited for the command.

Soon the people could hear the roar of the wild orcs and they entered the place. So Kaian said," Fire".

The guards released the arrow and so did Jack.

Keradi, Kaian, and Hemet were looking at the battlefield hoping that they would see some kind of miracle. Sure enough, the arrow fired by Jack pierced the neck of the orcs thus killing it.

In the next second, the arrow glowed with green light, and with that twenty Paralysis vines that were three meters long began to spit out thorns.

The thorns hit the orcs and they Immediately paralyzed them for ten minutes. Moreover, within a 20-meter radius, no orcs were standing.

Seeing the scene made the army and everyone's expressions change. They all felt chilled in their hearts.

Kaian immediately looked at John and said with a smile," John you have earned a huge military merits".

While Keradi snatched the arrows from their hand of Jack and said," These are all military merits and they will be useful for me".

Saying so he began to shoot the arrows and green lights grew once again and next twenty meters those orcs fell like dumplings.

Keradi who was excited immediately ordered in a harsh tone," You half-elf, why are you standing stupidly, hurry up and make those magic arrows".

Kaian and Hemet didn't say a word to defend John. So he could only grit his teeth and made twenty more arrows and said with a pale face," I am exhausted. Here are all the arrows".

Keradi took the arrows with a smile and said," Hurry up and recover. As long as I can earn military merit I will not treat you badly".

Saying so he looked at Kaian and Hemet and took their soldiers to earn military merit.

While John looked at the scene with cold eyes. From the side, Jack whispered," Master Mage, those nobles behave like this. So you don't have to be surprised about their behavior".

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