Silver Tier

After absorbing the White Flower, John immediately felt the changes inside the mysterious seeds. He found that it had grown from a small sapling to a small plant of 1 meter tall. The shape of the plant was like a straight vine. Six big leaves from top to bottom were grown and as he looked closely he found that all those six leaves represented the Plants he had absorbed.

Just at this time, the Vines inside his body swayed, and then a warm energy was transmitted throughout his whole body. He felt warm and comfortable again and it lasted for ten seconds.

Then steady information was introduced into his mind. He could now absorb three silver-tier plants/trees to increase the rank to the Gold tier. He could also absorb an additional 6 Iron tiers, 12 bronze tiers, and 20 ordinary plants again. Moreover, the range of control had increased to 400 meters and a new ability had also awakened and it was to consume mana to give any shape to the plants.

The mana inside his body had also increased by three times and now he felt that if he met the Hound riders then he could easily destroy them with a single Paralysis Plant. After he broke into the silver tier the previous plant's abilities were enhanced.

He felt that if he could summon the new Paralysis Plant then its size might have increased to 6 meters and the thorns shot from it have also become more powerful.

John opened his eyes and a confident look was radiated from his eyes. Then he looked at Jack and asked," How did you know about Bronze and Iron tier plants?".

Jack rubbed his head in embarrassment and said," Master Mage, my profession is of a hunter so of course I know about various types of important plants that can earn me extra silver coins".

John's eyes flickered and then he asked," Do you have any information about the Silver Tier plants?".

Jack shook his head in embarrassment and replied," No Master Mage, I don't know anything about Silver-tier plants as I have never seen them. All I know is that those plants grow in the magical region".

John walked towards the horse and asked," What is the magical region?".

Jack's eyes were full of fear and also longing," The Magical region is formed naturally. At that place, the mana amount is very high, so it mutates the plant to a higher grade. Those places are encountered only by luck".

John felt that it was necessary to get more information about the Magical Region. He once again rode the horse and gave the command to march forward.

While Marcus at this time was looking at the Half elf. He didn't know why but this Half-elf was giving him a very dangerous feeling as if he would be easily killed if he dared to face him now.

He didn't know whether it was an illusion or not but he trusted his instinct and felt that he needed to inform Miss about it.

Suddenly Tom stopped and said," Master Mage we might have encountered orcs again".

John came forward and saw that there was another team of orcs that consisted of 100 orcs.

Tom's face had already turned a little pale. This group of orcs even had an Archer.

The same was true for Sophia, Marcus, and other people behind.

Marcus immediately said in an angry tone," Master Mage, are we going kill them?".

John replied," Of course. But you don't have to take action. I just want to try something".

Saying so he walked forward and then conjured some Faced Cactus seeds. He then looked at Tom next to him and said," Wait for me here".

Saying so he walked ahead. John waved his hand threw the seeds.

In the next few seconds, the seed flew in the air and then they fell on the ground they began to grow rapidly and their size increased to 2 meters tall Faced Cactus. John felt the mana consumed was just 0.1%. The orcs still haven't spotted them. As they were behind a big bush.

John controlled one of the One-Faced Cactus and gave the command to shoot. As soon as he gave orders, he heard a whistle-like sound and the thorns flew easily for a distance of 150 meters and then it began to fall.

Seeing this his eyes lit up. He also realized that it would take another 3 seconds to reload and then fire.

So he turned and looked at the guard and said," You come here".

Marcus came forward with a puzzled expression on his face and asked," Master Mage what are your orders?".

" Can you lure those orcs?" John asked while creating more One-Faced Cactus seeds.

Marcus immediately replied," Of course Master Mage, it's easy for me to lure them. But I need the bow and arrow".

John waved his hand and said," Remember to lure them here".

Saying so he pointed towards the open space where the thorns shot by the cactus won't be interrupted at all and then he waved his hand and also raised more than 50 cactus and said," Hurry up and go and lure those orcs".

Marcus swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked in a hesitant tone," Master Mage won't those Cactus attack me".

John replied," They will not".

John could feel that he could easily control them. Unless he gave the order to attack they would not release the thorns.

After getting the confirmation, Marcus took the bow and arrow from Tom and he hurriedly rushed forward. After reaching a certain distance he immediately aimed and shot towards the orcs.

The arrow flew flashed and headshot an unlucky orcs killing it instantly. The orcs immediately roared and charged towards Marcus.

Seeing this he immediately ran back while thinking," These orcs are just simple-minded brute".

John saw Marcus running past him. He also found those orcs who were roaring and running in his direction. When they reached 100 meters, some of the orcs stopped and were ready to shoot from a distance while John waved his hand and in the next second, all those Fifty One Faced Cactus shot the thorns, and the orcs on the other side fell like a dumpling without even knowing what happened.

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