Goosebumps ran down my back and arms.

Wow. Why am I so excited? Where does this excitement come from? I'm scared and curious at the same time! So, then, what is the romance of adventure. This is how travelers felt in the past, discovering uncharted lands, finding new animals and other civilizations.

Breathing in full, I continued on my way.

I came to the habitat of the mucus half an hour later. Mana has already been regenerated, but I am in no hurry to kill simple mucus - it is not enough how much it will take for a large one. All that's left is to find it.

Belatedly, I realized that I should have asked Alasta what kind of hunters ran into a huge slime, and then they would find out the most specific place where they saw it. It is too late to return, and laziness, but for the future it is necessary to take as a rule better to learn the details of the task. In general, you need to learn at least from your mistakes.

I moved across the fields, carefully going around the slime. They do
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