The manual was really small. While I was wandering along the road to the Launch, or rather to the place where the weakest monsters should be, I managed to read it several times.

First, the characteristics:

Physique – responsible for the number of life points, for your physical parameters, such as endurance or strength, which is responsible for the damage of melee weapons.

Agility – for the speed of movement, as well as reaction and accuracy. As it turns out, this parameter is important not only for "archers", but also for "killers", who may wield daggers, but speed and evasion are important to them.

Spiritual Power – Responsible for the power of spells, for protection from magic, the speed of spell creation, and is also required to study higher levels of spells.

Other than that, I have a small magic vault. Let things in it fold into a certain space, but its weight is reflected in me. Simply put, if I put an anvil weighing under 70 kg in a magical space, then I will simply be crushed to the ground, since the maximum weight I carry now is 15 kg. It may seem unfair that only those who invest in the physique can increase the amount of weight carried, but this is only at first glance. If you have a high level of spiritual power, then the weight of the object decreases if it falls into the magical space. Thus, in people with high spiritual power, a fifty-kilogram piece of metal will weigh inside the space - 5 kg. The higher the dexterity parameter, the greater the chance of taming. For example, archers can tame animals, and the higher your dexterity parameter, the larger and more hardy animals you can tame.

In addition to the inventory, there is also a screen of equipment.

At the moment, I'm wearing an old shirt and old pants. Hopefully my jacket and jeans with sneakers aren't going anywhere when I get out of the virtcapsule. In general, if you look from the outside I look like a beggar, which, however, is not far from reality. In the camps with checkpoints, there are already more or less good crafters who make clothes from the skins of monsters and a blacksmith who forges primitive weapons and tools. Despite the fact that they have been mastering this world for three years, they have not advanced far. The highest-level player is 10 level. With each level, much more experience is required. And this implies a battle with stronger monsters, only for this you also need a decent weapon, which must first be done. When they came up with this, corporations urgently began to hire people who would be engaged only in crafting, but so far the guys have not advanced in this business. It is rumored that at the first checkpoint, a simple crafter has been able to expand his profession and has chosen a tanner, and now they are making simple leather armor in full swing, and at the fifth checkpoint, the blacksmith has been pumped to an advanced level and is able to forge items made of steel, so soon players will have some decent armor and weapons, after which you can take on monsters larger and then there will be a jump in leveling levels. But for now, it's only the next few months, which means that guys with level 8 and 9 are a publishing the tenth, killing small wolves of levels 3-4 and getting just crumbs of experience because of the difference in level, given that they, unlike me, need almost 40,000 experience points to rise to 10 level. If you killed monsters of your level - such as "demon-possessed bears" or "evil satyrs", you would get 300-400 experience points, and so from small wolves only 3-4. No, if I had beaten the wolves, I would have gotten 10 times more – 40 points.

Twenty minutes later – thanks to the menu that displays the exact time, which strangely coincides with the time in my world – I turned into the forest, not reaching a kilometer to the town. After walking along it, checking the map and looking around with apprehension, expecting that there was danger lurking behind each bush, I came to a small clearing. On it, slowly rolling, float "drops". Monsters live up to their nickname: such a blue clot of water, reaching the height of the knee, which slowly crawls across the field, stops and absorbs the grass. Due to the fact that the "drops" are transparent, I can clearly see how the grass that has fallen into them begins to slowly dissolve. It takes about ten minutes, after which the drop lazily creeps on.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a movement. He turned around abruptly. There was another drop nearby, it crawled on the stump and slowly dissolved the mushrooms growing on it.

- Well, let's try. I hope you have something of value in you, friend.

I focused, a white glowing ball appeared in front of my hand, a clump of mana. There were no manuals, but I somehow intuitively felt what to do. Apparently, when I moved into this world in the rift, I was endowed with the knowledge of how to use magic. The clot broke off and crashed into a drop at high speed, burst into flames and disappeared. For a moment, a small dial "2" appeared above the drop, which rose into the air and dissolved. The "drop" herself didn't like it. She distracted herself from absorbing the mushroom and slowly crawled in my direction. How she can tell where I am without eyes or anything else that allows me to discern space is beyond my mind.

I focused, created the ball again, and threw it at the monster. Again, the number "2". The creature continued to crawl in my direction. Without hesitation, I created three more spells one after another, and in the end, after the fifth hit, the monster stopped, burst slightly, spread on the ground and froze. The soil began to slowly absorb it.

A system message surfaced before my eyes:

Received:1 pc. remains of mucus, 2 Zen.

Experience points scored:1

In total, I have 1 experience and 199 to the next level.

I re-read the message. Remains of mucus? Not drops? Well, yes, the drop is a nickname given by the "players", apparently in fact the monster is called "slime".

A thought appeared in my head, but I did not have time to cling to it, when I noticed another "drop" on the left ... no, you need to call it correctly - mucus. So, the mucus slowly creeps towards the killed fellow with the unequivocal intention of absorbing him.

- You guys turn out to be cannibals.

I fired five magic balls one by one and dealt with the slime. I got the same for it as I did for the previous one.

Mana glasses have run out, which means you have to sit and wait for them to regenerate.

Mucus. Why does this word haunt me? I called up the map, looked at the explored forests, the names of the monsters, then the gaze moved to the town. Mount is the city of the beginning. Why do I have such a keen sense of déjà vu?

A sudden thought struck me like thunder. Exactly! These names, this world, these monsters, even this currency is Zen.

- After all, this is a lion Online! I exclaimed, jumping to my feet.

Trembling under the gaze of the guards, I walked through the gates of the city of Mount. Unlike the camps with checkpoints, there are stone walls, soldiers are dressed in solid metal armor. There are forges and gunsmiths in the city, but the prices of weapons are such that few people can afford a good sword, at least from the players - for sure. At the checkpoint, they make bad ones, but they sell at prices lower. Moreover, most players, instead of handing over what they have earned to the locals and receiving Zen for it, give everything more or less valuable to corporations for loans in real life.

The idea in my head was crazy, but in my desperate situation there was no other way. Just hammering monsters and hoping for luck means almost one hundred percent dooming yourself to death, because time is running out, and the debt must somehow be repaid. You might as well go to a casino and hope to win the half a million.


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