A huge game complex-bar floated by. Here you can have a drink, and a striptease watch, and there is a game room, both with gambling and with old billiards. It's the day, so it's closed for now.
The residential mega complex has moved, overhanging: huge, mighty, reaching to the lead clouds that block the light of the sun, lowering a shadow on the city, turning the surrounding space into a picture drawn with a simple pencil. Only neon signs of various establishments, clubs, tattoo parlors, small implant clinics and small shops dilute this gray picture with paints.
The door opened with a hiss, letting us into the spacious hall. Ahead you can see the stairs leading to the next floor, on the right there are dozens of elevators. In this residential mega complex there are a thousand floors and each has a hundred apartments. In fact, a small town located in one building. The most interesting thing is that the entrance to it is not only on the first floor. There is an exit from higher transport routes to both the fiftieth and hundredth floors. On the five-hundredth floor there are also: a large retail chain, a second parking lot, a hospital complex. Everything is the same, but more prestigious and expensive is on the seven hundred and fiftieth floor. In general, the higher the floor, the more expensive the apartment. There, on the high floors, there are elite clubs with all kinds of service, which is several orders of magnitude higher than what is here - on the first floors and around the complex.
I live on the three-hundredth floor – not the poorest, but also far from the rich. In general, I somehow thought about my own transport, but as I calculated what time it would cost to rent a parking lot, the cost of electricity to charge the engine and maintenance in the event of a breakdown - I immediately refused. Paying a third of my salary a month for a car that I will drive from and to work at most is not worth it. It is better to use a capsule - faster and cheaper.
My arm was. I looked at the tight strap on my arm. Above it appeared a holographic image of a blue screen, in the center of which a letter icon flashes.
"Open it," I ordered.
I could just poke my finger, but I use this function when I'm drunk and I can't connect words with my tongue. The icon disappeared, and instead of it, numbers appeared on the screen.
You have received 300 daily unemployment benefit credits in your account.
- Turn off.
The screen disappeared and I headed for the elevators. It's like that. Today is the first day I am officially unemployed. Two days ago I worked in a garbage factory on sorting, but I was replaced by an autonomous robotic complex. Yesterday was the last working day. And now I am unemployed, as well as almost thirty percent of the population of the supercity of Asia-1, which starts from the Caspian Sea and ends at the Gobi Desert. About two billion people live in the supercity.
In general, more and more people are becoming unemployed, but thanks to benefits, they can somehow make ends meet. If you think about it, this allowance, of three hundred credits, is not so small, given that for an eight-hour working day I received five hundred credits. And if you subtract fifty credits for a round trip, it turns out that my income has fallen by a third, but now there is no need to rush anywhere. Sometimes the idea creeps in that it is easier for corporations to pay unemployment benefits to unskilled workers than to keep them in enterprises. For the same robotic complex replaced a dozen sorters at once, not to mention the fact that it works without breaks day and night, does not get tired and does not strike, demanding higher wages or better working conditions.
As the elevator went up the three-hundredth floor, I kept remembering Alex's words. I even tried to call him, but instead of him, an automated smart apartment management complex replied in a cute female voice that Alex is now working and cannot answer. Some corporations have a good job – they can even work at home.
A thought flashed through whether to go to Alex on the eight hundred and ninetieth floor, but quickly threw it away. Most likely, the security will not even let you out of the elevator. Who would believe that a guy dressed in a cheap jacket and pants has a friend on this floor?
The elevator doors opened, letting them out into a long hallway. On the right and left, the doors of the apartments slowly floated. Stopping in front of one with the number thirty thousand nineteen, I touched a small plate. A blue beam scanned me, there was a slight ringing, and the door went to the side. A small room appeared to the eye.
My apartment is cramped - the main room is only nine square meters, on the left is the entrance to the bathroom, where they pressed each other like wet puppies shower, toilet and washbasin, on the right is the passage to a small kitchen, a good part of which is occupied by a refrigerator. The room is empty, the main piece of furniture in it is a wide sofa, which can be transformed into a bed. On the wall opposite him appeared an image of a small studio, at the table sits a pretty announcer with poisonous green hair and piercing blue eyes.
- Today there was another clash with the gangs of two residential complexes Altai-8 and Altai-9, - the TV presenter of the news quickly began to tarator.
An image from drones appeared on the screen. On the lower floors of residential complexes, flashes are visible, tracers draw darkness. These two residential complexes are located a hundred meters from each other and the constant shootouts between them have become almost a daily domestic incident. You look at it not as a gang fight, but as if it were some kind of reality show. A rocket fired from a grenade launcher flew out. Flash, black smoke and shards of glass falling to the ground.
I stepped into the room, neon lamps lit under the ceiling, illuminating the room with a white cold light. Another sign of poverty of an apartment is its location in the depths of the complex. Those apartments that are located at the edges are larger and have wide viewing windows. I only have a big stone box.
At the far wall, opposite the door, there is a virtapsula: small, shabby, in the cheapest configuration. There is no advanced assistant, no status tracking system and many other bells and whistles. In general, a long stay in the virtupsule greatly loads the brain and after eight to ten hours the head just splits. The assistant, as you can guess from the name, helps the brain to process the flow of information and thereby reduces the load. So a person can be in such a capsule for fifteen hours. The medical complex supplies nutrients through the blood, and also monitors the condition. Only these two bells and whistles allow you to stay in the virtupsule for twenty-four hours, then a break for a short four-hour sleep and a full meal, and you can again stay in it for twenty-four hours. But this is not all the chips of expensive capsules, but I can only dream about them.
The image of the studio reappeared on the screen.
"The police have already arrived at the scene and are restoring order," the announcer continued.
I muffled the sound, walked up to the wall next to the couch, part of it moved inland and went to the side, revealing a small recess with hangers and a shelf for boots.
"Lunch," I commanded undressed.
The auto system immediately buzzed. Now fast food is moved from the refrigerator to a small oven. So in a couple of minutes you can enjoy pasta with a small cutlet of cloned meat.
The bracelet on his arm vibrated slightly. I glanced at the number of the channel from which the call was coming. Frost ran through my skin, and sweat appeared on my forehead. No, I understand that it was naïve to expect Yuji to forget about me at least for today, but he wouldn't be himself if he had a bad memory.
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Realizing that I could not turn away, that if I did not answer now, then in a couple of minutes a couple of muzzles would break into the apartment, and then really would not be well, I accepted the call, transferring it directly to the projector, which immediately changed the image of the studio from the announcer continuing to tarator to a dark room. Most of the screen was occupied by a dark face with clearly Mexican features, with a black oblong mustache and a smoothly shaven chin. He has long black hair gathered on the back of his head in a ponytail, an elongated dark face covered with scars and wrinkles. Dark as a pair of olives, the eyes looked out from under the thick eyebrows that converged over the bridge of the nose."Well, hello, Tim," the man said in a hoarse voice as he leaned back in his chair.He is dressed in a white plaid shirt, the unbuttoned top of which exposes the chest and neck, covered with tattoos.- Hello Yuji.The man stared for a few moments, pursing his lips
- Yes. Not without it, Alex agreed with his lips pursed. - But think about it. If luck smiles, then in one raid, albeit through the checkpoints of the corporation, you can earn up to forty thousand credits.I froze when I heard this amount. Forty thousand credits. Quite a lot. Twelve such raids and, consider it, a debt as never before. Just to fit in the allotted two weeks.I felt the warmth spilling in my chest. My situation doesn't seem to be entirely hopeless"That's if I'm lucky," Alex added, seeing the fire of excitement in my eyes. - Usually they get two or three thousand for a raid - but also not bad, albeit at the risk of life.Two or three thousand? Little. And yet better than nothing. In general, even if you receive so much, then in a couple of weeks you can give part of the money to Yuji and try to convince him to increase the term. Of course, in this case, he will put me on the counter, and I will have to pay not only the amount of debt, but also interest, but this is bett
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Congratulations, You killed the slime boss.Gained experience points – 200 + 20 for killing a monster a level higher than yoursGot a new level.1 feature point is available.Rewards received; 500 Zen. Chest of the boss of slimes. Remain of the boss of smiles-1pc.In connection with the receipt of the level, all the mana instantly recovered. I exhaled, looking at the bonuses I had received.Tim Battle Mage 2lvlLife points – 130 Mana points –22Physique -2 Agility – 2 Spiritual power – 3 Skills. Small fire strike (10 damage, 5 mana)Magic damage modifier – 0Physical damage modifier – 0 Magic Protection modifier – 0 Evasion modifier – 0 The chance of a critical attack is 0 Experience to the next level; 92 out of 450 Not such a big increase. The strange thing is that the spiritual power should increase the magical damage, but I show that the modifier is zero. Looking at the manual left by Alex, I saw that the threshold of change is overcome every 5 characteristics. Simply put,
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chapter 157
- And if you just give the crossbow? Yura murmured.- On the one hand, the possession of this crossbow is really a big hemorrhoids, - Genghis Khan nodded, - and on the other hand, incredible luck and a chance to get out of this world twenty years earlier. But in order to take advantage of this chance, you don’t have to “wait for the weather by the sea”, but take “hands in feet” and go, as these boobies say - swing.“But it doesn’t seem so bad here,” Zhenya said thoughtfully. “At least as long as the said Guardians are pleased with you.Genghis Khan shook his head.- You know, I envy you a little: the first ten years in this world are in many ways a happy time, albeit full of severe trials. But man is a complex creature, not only pain and suffering move us forward. With every year spent in this place, indescribable nostalgia, longing, longing for the place lying there ahead will grow stronger in you. I don't want to say that every day will eventually turn into something bad, no. But th
chapter 156
- Zheka, Chechens in the city! Gather brother!True, what does the philosopher have to do with it and where to take the mentioned lads, the gopnik did not specify.Genghis Khan sighed, snapped a cunning crossbow from his belt, put the weapon on the bed next to Tuen, and he himself took a free chair, of which there were several in the room, put it next to the bed, sat down and, raising his hand, waved to everyone:- Hi.Kolya, meanwhile, was blushing like cancer, realizing that he was slightly frostbitten.- Valuable advice "on the track", - Genghis Khan continued, - if the Guardians offer something, it is better to agree. But do not rush to do what is proposed according to their scenario: these guys will definitely try to drag you into the very ass. Try to work with your head and go to your goal in your own way. Which, of course, will not always succeed.What are martial skills? - Zhenya immediately clarified the information on the reward for the quest.Genghis Khan, without getting u
chapter 155
Your mother's time in this world is coming to an end.Guardians offer you a task:Reach Ozatorga in the company of the lost ones who will leave the city in the near future, and we, the Guardians, will ensure your meeting with your mother.The consequence accompanying the acceptance of the task is the acquisition of a special status, the temporary inclusion of lost souls in the system.1) Accept the task.2) Reject the job.**Of course, she should have consulted with her father, but Erita immediately realized that all this was superfluous, since she made her choice at the moment when she read the text to the end. Having experimented a little, she chose the desired menu item:**1) Accept the task.**In vain did the girl think that her misadventures were over, the event that happened a moment later divided her whole life into before and after. And although the Guardians made every effort available to them to facilitate the process of transformation, the lousy experience was far beyond
chapter 154
Dietrich, having analyzed his part of the work, was frankly depressed. Since Paul and Genghis Khan got formidable, but, in fact, single targets, and his opponents "spread" over a very large area. Fortunately, this square was constantly squeezed by the city guard, but they also added new hemorrhoids - as if not to knock down someone outside and not to spoil valuable property.Without hindrance, passing the place of deployment of the defenders of the city, the German hurriedly walked out to the port facilities. Stopping in the middle of a dark port street, he assessed the situation. At the moment, the "front line" between the pirates and the defenders of the city passed in a place where hangars and warehouses tightly adjacent to each other ended and residential buildings began. The port was a semi-closed territory, into which several wide streets led, but at the same time, various small streets and lanes were completely absent. At night, guards were stationed at the exits of the port, w
chapter 153
Genghis Khan was rapidly approaching the western coast. Having parted with his comrades, he did not want to go down to the ground and was now moving towards his goal using exclusively the city roofs. In practice, jumping on tiles had two subtleties: first, it was necessary not to ruin the roof during repulsion, and second, it was necessary not to ruin it when landing. The one mentioned was bad. And the man consoled himself with the hope that for the sake of a great cause, a mountain of broken tiles would be forgiven him. Having shortened the path in this way and at the same time assessed the situation in the city, he very soon found himself on the coast.Here, standing by the embankment, Genghis Khan pulled back his sleeve from his wrist, revealing to the night an elegant silver bracelet covered with dense rows of reddish runes. Giving the artifact a mental command, he began to patiently peer into the darkness of the sea. Finally, the pirate ship snapped back with another salvo, revea
chapter 152
Fizruk disappeared. In his place, another, already middle-aged actor from a film about a sophisticated cannibal appeared, who ate other actors and especially loved gelatinous brains. And Yura was afraid of this actor.- Why not? The task of the Final Set is to help you get through the path to the end, to give strength that is inaccessible at the current level of development. Our meeting was not without fate, but if she drags you, then she only gives me strong advice, so don’t be arrogant. There was a place and commonality: it's funny - you and I are similar in a certain set of emanations, as a lion and a kitten are similar. And the last of the weighty ones - for some reason I wanted to play on the nerves of Vega and Zegero. Vega is the bearded man who gave the green light to your possession of the Fourth Treasure of Darkness. He and Zegero run the show here. Vega is nothing less than a galaxy, but not the one you think of. Zegero is the largest black hole in observable space. And a ra
chapter 151
- Good question, bad answer. Your shattered head will provoke her into attacking the blackbeard. She will snatch out a cunning stiletto that is hidden in her belt and try to drive twenty centimeters of death under the shoulder blade of the leader of the pirates. But, alas, the weight categories are too different: a short blow, and after the third bullet today. Trite, sad, but true.- Can I do something?!The "actor" thoughtfully touched his chin with his hand, and then issued:- And why, maybe it's better to go home, at the computer ...- How is it, home? Yura didn't understand.- Yes, it's very simple. Here you are, and here you are at home, celebrating your luck from the bow knocked out of the boss, lazily brushing off offers to sell it, or join a new community of players more worthy of you. What is it called, “flock” it seems, but no, in another way - “clan”. Well, what a mess in your Sharapov head, - and Kukuruz looked at the hitman with a look, as if he was going to sew a shirt f
chapter 150
Pondering the plan of action, Yura became despondent. The reason for despondency, as is often the case, lay in the details. First, the current fence turned out to be quite high, about the height of a man, and metal spiers stuck out on top of this fence, not very sharp, but a piece of hoodie can easily be left. Secondly, the road between the residence and the territory of the garden, in which the “guerrilla-scout” sat down, was very well lit. And now, carefully parting the branches of the bush, the young man clearly saw the bustle of armed men in the courtyard of the building he needed.“What did I get here at all! Although no, it’s clear what’s useful: it’s likely that Erita really has problems. The question is, how can I, a fool, solve these problems ... ”the hit man groaned to himself and began to think about how, if not to solve the problems, then at least not to produce new ones.Alas, the thinker did not generate anything worthwhile. The mind, going through the ways of painful an
chapter 149
In a pant, another kilometer and a half flew by, during which it became clear that there was not so much left of the former Yura in him, at least bodily. He couldn’t run more than a kilometer before, and “run” is not quite the right word, “puff” was more suitable. However, the current Yura was far from the condition of a super hero, which is why he was incredibly out of breath.Suddenly, "the scenery changed" and the young man ended up in the area of posh mansions of wealthy citizens. The mansions were located in even rows, which were separated from the road by low bars. The road itself was illuminated by frequent, but not very bright gas lamps. A sort of holiday village of extra-class. And now, only two hundred meters separated from the beginning of the nobility district to the residence of the lord of the hitman. Just run a little forward, turn left and go out to the large ornate gates of the monastery of the local ruler. What Yura immediately decided to do. And he almost fell i