All the students began to vote, I looked around and tried to catch a glimpse of the votes of the students nearest to me. The thought that the Dean could be Mr. Dickson crept back into my mind if that was true then we are screw if we are to drop our phones with a man like him. There is no guarantee what he was going to do to it.

I looked up to see the wide screen and I saw most of the student were voting for their phones to be dropped. " What?" I shouted in anger making some of them look at me.

I saw the looks on their faces too, many of them didn't understand how the votes were not in our favor as students. I looked back at George who was grinning right in front of me. " Something is wrong," I looked at Zack who was also scared to see that people were voting in favor of the phones being dropped

" Claw can you do something about this? I think the system is being manipulated." I said silently

[ GIVE ME A MOMENT AND LET I DO MY THING ] Claw replied and I ke
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