"An unknown company approaches!" The head of the soldiers on guards for the starlights informed his men. The youngest among them was quickly sent into the village to inform the starlights for another evacuation. The fact that it's been a long time since they were attacked by the Aarangs brought more fear to the hearts of the guards, how were they found out again after they had been extra careful after being fully away of how the Aarangs caught them in the past. Each man on guard held firmly the grip of their swords with a full resolve to defend the fragile nation even it meant putting their lives on the line. There were loud rustlings in the nearby bushes, it got louder and nearer but yet nothing appeared. "Show yourself you coward!" The captain in charge yelled at the direction of the movements in the bushes, just then a little girl came out and walk slowly towards them with a dimly lit lamp in her hands. As she approached the guards, their grips on their swords got even tighter, t

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