The reason I loved Carl and always wanted to talk to him about anything that happened in my life was because he cared for me. Because he never judged me and never scolded me or called my plans stupid.

Yes, there are times when he doesn’t like what I’m about to do or what I have in mind, but he never says it outright. He was always objecting to my plans in a rather nice way.

But also because he was here for me. And will do anything to support me. He knew what to say to you at the right moment. Well, maybe because he knew what was happening in your head, but either way I was just happy that my Carl was here and he will help me with what I have in mind.

“Where did mother and father say they last saw Frazer? We can start from there. I will try to ask around, maybe someone has seen him somewhere,” he said calmly as he sipped on the wine.

I just sighed as I thought about everything. I haven't talked to Roland ever since I came here. Apart from asking him what the hell was going on when
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