Author: Trevor.M.Muma

I walked into the house. Not knowing what I was going to find. But only relying on what my friend told him. I didn’t want to believe it, but just to get him off his back, I needed to prove to him that what he was saying was not the truth. 

There was no way my wife could be sleeping with one of my friends. That was not possible, and I wasn’t going to allow him to keep saying that about my wife. 

She was loving and caring. Always making sure I’m happy. Welcoming me every day at home with a charming smile and embrace. That woman I married would never cheat on me. There was no way. 

The living room was quiet. Nothing about it set me off. But I made sure my presence wasn’t sensed and noticed. I walked as slowly and quietly as I could. 

I checked the kitchen and all the rooms downstairs, but I saw nothing. She was nowhere to be seen, and she had mentioned nothing about leaving the house. 

She was from a wealthy family and she never went to work that much – been the daughter of the owner of the company gave her that privilege. But she never failed to fulfil her duties as a wife. Never. 

I checked all the rooms downstairs, even double checked, just to be sure about the whole thing. And yet she was not there. 

I walked upstairs in slow steps. Then I began checking the rooms. One by one. And as I did that, my heart was thumping like hell. I knew she wouldn’t do that to me, but the possibilities were killing me bit by bit. 

As I reached the basement, I didn’t even know why I was checking it. I allowed an illuminating light to float on the palm of my hands. But there was nothing about it that screamed my wife was cheating on me. 

I was going to kill Joseph for this insanity. 

As I approached my bedroom, my heart thumped even more. The hair at the back of my head stood on end. I don’t know why. But as I said earlier, the possibilities were just killing me. 

I sighed as I reached the door and then pushed it open. 

Just stood there. Trying to digest what I was seeing, trying to make sense of what I was looking at and trying to come in all with my thoughts. 

But something like this was something to give someone a heart attack. Good thing I wasn’t a reach bastard and old that too. But my eyes widened to get a better look that only shattered my heart even more. 

They jumped from the bed, both of them naked. 

She was a wide-boned, of womanly build and unusually beautiful. She reminded me of a Gaugun Tahitian model. Her eyes were like capers and a fine hooked nose which supported two ornate and substantial rings. 

Her blonde hair was all over her face, but she pushed it back as she tried to talk. But nothing came out of her mouth. She was moving her lips, which wore a deep red, but nothing came out. 

I was truck with shook of what was happening to me. pinched myself once or twice, asked my wild side, but he confirmed it was happening. 

I looked at the man that stood beside her. He was built like a woodsman. Not over muscular, but enough for a man. He was about my age, maybe two or three months younger. He had black short hair that he combed perfectly and it matched his black complexion perfectly. 

He hurriedly grabbed a bedspread and wrapped it around him. Not considering my wife. He was also trying to speak. But nothing was coming out of his mouth. 

“Don’t even bother. Both of you. I thought Joseph was just lying because he doesn’t like you. But well, I caught both of you red-handed,” I sighed as I tried to put my wizard powers at bay. Because the bastards are tingling, prone to mischief, even though I am hurting. 

“What didn’t I do for you?” I turned to look at Maria, she was just facing down. “I did everything for you, woman. And you go and cheat on me with my friend?” I spoke as I paced up and down. “And you,” I stopped as I looked at Pit, “I thought you were a friend. So, all that time you were not at work, you were here having sex with my wife. I should have listened to Joseph,” I spoke and then threw a fireball at him – failing to control my anger any more. 

He hurriedly created a shield, and the fireball vanished upon impact. I pushed Maria to the side as I went running at Pit. Then I ducked to prevent his lightning bolt from hitting me, then I punched him in the ribs and I felt them crack. 

Then he kicked me in my stomach, sending me skidding on the floor and only stopping a foot from Maria. 

I swiftly got up, but she stood between us. I just wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth. 

“Will you stop it?” she scolded as she looked at me. “What have you done that you were mentioning here? All you have done is leave off my money and that of my parents. If it wasn’t for me, then you wouldn’t have been where you are,” she spoke and she walked to Pit. “Look at him! He has everything I need. He doesn’t work at the company because he married into our family. But because his family is in partnership with my father. And you come here to lecture me?” she spoke. 

I was totally speechless by what I was listening from her. All this time, I have been with her. She has been thinking of me as a good for nothing man. Why did she marry me then? Was it all because she needed someone to pause with as a man figure by her side? Or what? 

I looked away as a means of hiding a tear that dropped from my left eye. 

She then leaned over and kissed him in front of my eyes. I just sighed and beat my broken heart down. Trying to calm myself down and not give them the satisfaction of seeing that they have won. 

Can my humiliation get any worse? 

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