Linda got terrified to look at his hand.
She was not moving.Her body was shivering in fear and terror.Shin saw her shivering and realised he have to do something to make her calm down and relax.He started calling her name.Linda! Linda!She didn't even flinched. As her mind was fully developed in fear.Shin tried to look at his hand as saw for the first time how it looked like.He thought it was sure different from the one Linda has.As he tried to cover it with some cloth, took out a napkin that was on the trolley next to his bed.He covered his hand and tried to wake Linda from her scared state.She was not making any progress, Shin decided to slap her face and he did.But it would have been better he didn't did anything except trying to call someone for help.Just as he slapped, Linda went flying toward the hall of the hospital breaking through the door.As she reached the hall, the other people and the hospital staff noticed it and immediately tried to tend to her and saw Shin sitting on the ground, from where Linda came flying.As they looked at him with unsettling eyes of both anger and fear.As they were trying to tend to Linda, she woke from her state of fear and came back to her senses.Seeing everyone around her she startled a bit and as she sat down with their help.She saw Shin sitting in front of him through the broken door.She still remember what she saw but had come over the feeling what she had before.She stopped everyone else who was tending to her wound and starting healing herself.It took her a few minutes but she was able to heal enough to get back to her own feet.She told everyone that it wise fine and to get back to their work.Others still wanted to know what happened as the nurse asked her about how it happened.But Linda told them to get back to their duties with a little yelling way.They all understood that they shouldn't get in their personal problems and went back to their work which they were doing.Linda with her little unbalanced state went toward Shin, closed of the room as she put the curtain on.Shin asked if she was okay.Linda said' i am fine but what you just did.'Shin replied' i am sorry, i didn't wanted to make you fly away like that.I just wanted to woke you up from your scared visions, but as i just tried to wake you up by slapping you which i did put a little strength in.That just happened that you went flying through the door.I seriously didn't realise that the power gear works so drastically, i would have restrained my self otherwise if i had known that. 'Linda replied' i see now, that's why i went flying because of your power level.As i am sure no one can use their power gear without them actually using it.And you don't even know how to use it so how could you would have done that.That may your demon powers that made you that much powerful on this normal form.I'll give you an advise never try to use your power until you know how to use it.Just do everything slowly and smoothly for now.Or you'll break everything around you as you go.'Shin understood what she was saying and that's why he said' i do understand what you said but what you mean by normal form.If i am power in normal form than how can i restrict my power in this form. 'Linda laughed at what he said.As she then said' you see the stripes show the level of our power and the farther we can go, as we activate these levels we develops the form of this level.It isn't like your appearance changes, its just that due to rising level your natural strength and abilities rose up and due to which you attain a different form then before.That is the reason it is called forms.And you asking how you can control your normal form, i can tell you because i am doing that as we talk.But if i unleash my full power on the normal form , that hit of yours would have not effected me at all.'As she unleashed her full power at the base level and asked Shin to slap her again with the same force he did before.Shin hesitated a bit but Linda told him to trust her and just hit him as she was not just an ordinary doctor.Shin without holding back hit her with more force accidentally as he got carried away.But this time, that slap didn't put a scratch on Linda's face or either she moved a single inch from her place.She stood and took the hit without even getting fazed.As shin was amazed by after seeing this and he was surprised that his sister holds so much power.Seeing that Linda was able to hold that hit, he asked Linda to hit him this time and with her whole strength without holding back on the base level.She refused to do so as it was dangerous, even for him as he might die.Shin's eyes were about to pop out after hearing that she could kill him with a single slap on her base level, so how much stronger would be the max strength of her or his own who have greater potential then her.So he asked her to show her more powers but Linda refused to do so as she was also in her controlled state now.She said' its dangerous to unleash my full power here, it could cause so much ruckus and you too, your power have to be sealed for now to restrict your energy and the aura you are unleashing.I will seal your abilities before someone sees this aura of your and try to kill you.I don't want you to get in any kind of trouble, who knows my Zen might be alive somewhere and you are the only hope to find a way to bring him back.I don't want to loose hope on that so don't do anything stupid to put yourself at any risk.I will support you in any way possible and will try to treat you like Zen as much as possible.So please,DON'T TURN INTO A DEMON 'Read next....Related Chapters
As per saying that Linda put up a barrier around them. ZEN asked what was the barrier was for. As she told him ' i am going to seal your powers until you are able to control them, so sit down on the ground.' in a commanding voice.Without saying anything Zen sat on the ground as Linda said. Linda then creaked a marking around him for the sealing process. As Linda made the circle, she sat in front of Zen and told him to took out his hand and place it on the ground. As he did what she said. Linda place her hand on his power gear and then started to concentrate her mind on his gear. As she was getting deep into concentration, she felt a feeling of terror and fear. But making her heart strong she kept getting deep into it, as she reached the level where she find the thread to seal his powers. But as she started to bind his powers, she found it very difficult do to so, though she was using her whole power at the base level of power gear. She knew that now she have to level up he
Zen was waiting and just looked at his hand, As he saw that his hand still had the horns one top of the 2nd stripe. But he not knowing anything about the power gear just let it be. As after a while a nurse came and told him that if he could move he could go to the reception where Linda was waiting for him. If not she will take him via a wheelchair. But Zen was able to walk so he Thanked her for concern and just asked her where the reception was. As she showed Zen the way and he reached the reception, where Linda was waiting for him as she was talking to someone. Zen stopped a little further to not interrupt her talk and as she noticed Zen was waiting she finished her talk with the person and went toward Zen and said' shall we go?' Yes, said by Zen and she took him to where her car was parked. As they both sat in the car and Zen said' strange that though this world is totally different, it does have similar type of cars. I also saw people talking on mobile phones and also th
Linda spoke up to broke the awkward silence she created ' sorry i just got carried away' ' No, no its fine, i can't tell how you feel but know that loosing a parent is the biggest deal of our life and nothing can be compared to this feeling. ' Said by Zen. Linda wiped her tears and they both went on eating. As they finished their Eating, Zen took the liberty to clean the dishes as he asked Linda to take a bath and get fresh and clean. Though linda told him that she can do the dishes but Zen insisted on doing so. So Linda went ahead to take a bath and cried as she was taking her bath due to the old memories of her parents just flashed in front of her eyes. But soaking in the hot water her tears dispersed in it and made her body and mind calm down. As she came out and went toward the kitchen, Zen was not there so she went toward the living room as Zen was sitting their watching the television. So she sat with him and she asked Zen that ' Zen, do you want to learn to control y
As the new day set up with the sunrise. Linda woke Zen early as she was going to take him for training. She barged in his room and woke him up as he startled and fell down of the bed. Linda apologised for doing this but Zen said it was fine and anyway it was a great way to wake someone up. As she told him to get ready and wear whatever clothes he likes from the closet which will fit him for training. As Zen choose some clothes and after wearing them he went downstairs to meet with Linda who was waiting for him at the gate. As they went went outside, Linda told him to run with her and as fast as he could. It was sudden but he was ready to do it. She also told him to keep concentrating on controlling your powers along the way.As she told him that he was able to control few fragments of the power the past day during sealing, so he would be able do it now. But Zen asked how he was going to Concentrate and run both at same time.For running he have to be free and for concentratin
As Zen was drifting in the memories, he has left any consciousness left of him. He was wondering deep and deep into memories and had no idea it was not reality as he kept seeing those memories through the eyes of former Zen. On the other hand, Linda was getting concerned for him as he hasn't acquired the first level and woken up from his concentration. She knew it will be shock for Zen if she leaves her healing but will probably get him to his senses. So she lift her hands up and stopped soothing his brain. As a result, Zen was able to realise as a severe pain in his brain just developed by which he came back to his senses. Now he was stable again and was not drifting in the memories as he was using his own concentration only without Linda putting her strength in. After coming back to his own sense of thinking, he started again to visualise the liver to adjust it to the first level. It was easy for him to do it because in his former life he use to be very optimistic and creati
As Zen was soaking in the bathtub he was still feeling weak and exhausted but now his exhaustion was lowering down but due to weakness he felt sleepy. Being in tub he felt relaxed in that relaxed state he was imagining all the things he saw as the owner of this body. As he was drifting into the memories of what he saw before, he realised something important. That he had forgot to get to basic level and was still on the first level of the gear. Just as he realised he didn't remeber asking Linda about how to do it or either her telling him on her own. So he thought it might be the same as leveling up so he figured to visualise pulling the liver downward, as he started visualising and was able to imagine the picture of a liver and pulled it down. He thought it would be leveled down by now but as he saw his hand it was still not down. So got annoyed to know that. But due to weakness he wasn't able to give much thought to it and left it as it was. As he thought after soaking in th
As Zen was getting into his concentrating state, he realised that it was getting difficult to do it. He thought it might be due to all the excitement he had before or maybe because of the device. But he had forgot that he hadn't leveled down on his gear and was having trouble because of the extense source of power surging through him. He was struggling to concentrate on the device but somehow he was able to achieve that and got access to the device. He said the command and the device just hot activated right away. As he stopped and opened his eyes he was able to hear the mechanism voice or more precisely the voice of the AI. As it said ' Greetings master, i am at your command you can ask me anything you like though i won't answer it you little bastard. ' Hearing that Zen got shock and with his shocked look he looked at Linda. As she asked him what happened and he told her that the Venda just called him Bastard. To which Linda said ' what are you talking, that can't be true.
Linda knew he was not waking up but she knew what she had to do now. She picked him up and threw him off the bed. But he still refused to go and kept laying down on the bed.So she picked him up again and then took him directly to the bathroom and threw him in the bathtub. Zen didn't even had the time to react and found himself into the cold water directly.He got water in his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. He reacted right away and tried to come out of the tub. He was about to scream loud at Linda but just as he looked toward her she was looking at him with more terrifying face that he got terrified and said nothing as he looked away. Right that moment he Venda woke up too and she started saying' Now what this Linda bitch is doing, i am gonna kill her if i could ' Zen hearing that scolded her right away with his inner voice ' say whatever to me i don't care but if you ever say a single word for Linda after this, i will break you. Do you hear me ? 'To which she replied ' che
Latest Chapter
Zen got on his knees and started to examine Maria and asked her if she was okay, Maria replied with spitting some blood out' Wh-why, why are you here? ' Zen replied ' What else! To help you Miss Maria. ' Christa and Ray arrived in the arena too as they asked Zen how Maria was, He told them she was fine but she had some severe injuries and need to be tend right away. The medical team came in the arena and putting Maria on the stretcher they started to carry her but before they could leave, Zen sensed something and he jumped right toward Maria as he struck with something by blocking it. That was an attack from Argon who was in rage and had gone mad, he wanted to kill Maria due to which he had charged at her. Shin said to the king that he will stop this immediately but King stopped him as he said to wait just a little more, Shin didn't understood why King said that but he kept put. Rey was also there seeing
Claire picked up the call and asked what Zen had to say at this time of Night, He asked if Claire was at the arena medical area or not. She told him that she wasn't as she was at her home, Zen felt a little disappointed but then he apologised to Claire for disturbing her. Before cut the call she asked him what he wanted to say, He told her about the situation as Claire told him that Argon was not that much seriously injured so he had left and wasn't in the arena medical care anymore. Zen thanked her for telling him that and cutting the call he asked Venda if she could find where Argon lives, Venda told him that Argon was not from the capital so he be living in the quarters arranged for Participants in the academy. Zen after knowing that, Snuck into the academy and started searching for Argon. He was well aware of the academy campus so he easily was going through all the rooms and was looking for Argon, just as he was looking for him
Zen turned around and Saw the king standing right behind him, Seeing him there Zen was shocked as he stood right away and Was about to say something but the king Putting a finger on his own mouth told him to keep silent and follow him. Zen was nervous as King might be taking him to scold for what he did, he followed King to the special corner which was reserved for the king where Shin was present too. King called him inside as he sat on his seat and asked Zen to shit with him, Zen aske if it was fine for him to sit with him. Shin got up and said ' Its fine, just do as what he says. ' Zen sat along Marcus and Then Marcus AskEd Zen ' So what's your name? ' Zen was a little confused, He thought the king knew who he was but him asking his name was a little weird but he had to answer so he told him his name. Marcus asked Zen why he jumped to save The participant, Zen replied that it was her Teacher which was
After a while they long awaited match of Miss Maria vs Argan came, They both came in the fighting arena and stood in front of each other. The fight was about to begin and the hearts of Zen and others were pounding hard as they were getting excited for the fight, The commentator announced the fighters name and then he started the fight. Argan with his strong fists enraged toward Maria but she with her fast pace dodged him as she countered on his attack by going left and grabbing his right arm to twist it and threw him right in the direction he was accelerating making a fine counterattack. Seeing this the commentator praised her and said that Argon was not as a ravaging beast as people make him off, He got thrown aside but managed to stop as he got up and looked at Maria who was coming toward him for another attack. Seeing her accelerating toward him argon quickly tried to got up and block her attack but before he knew she got past his block as
Ben asked Rey why he accepted himself as the representative fighter? Rey replied with a grin ' What you think? It will be amusing ofcourse, me beating the hell out of those damn demons and all the other swords seeing how great i am. ' Ben said with a straight face ' You got fucked didn't you in your own game!? ' Rey hearing that threw the glass of Wine he had on the ground in rage and stood up as the glass broke, Rey looked in front of him with rage and yelled ' Hella!!! Clean this shit up you fuckin bitch!! ' Just as he yelled, his cleaner Hella arrived in there and seeing Rey, her master in anger. She asked with hesitation what she have to do as she wasn't able to see the broken glass and the spilled wine on the ground due the anger of Rey.Rey hearing him ask what she has to do got more angry as he walked to her and grabbed her hair and took her to the spilled wine and showed her by yelling a
Linda was now takes time to train Zen on healing as the selections has ended, Zen was getting good at it slowly and slowly. Zen had kept himself in touch with Claire, he visits her once in a while. Ferra after this incident was told by Cluster to keep a good eye on Zen and Linda both and tell him if they happen to do anything. Linda burnt that dress, as she didn't wanted to keep it close to her anymore because it will make her remember that day which she want to get over with. Some days passed normally without any hindrance, Zen's academy classes and Siya's daycare as well as Linda's hospital work they all kept doing all the stuff in order. Before they knew the time came for the tournament to be held between people from ghastle and the Demon's of kirmada on the the centre planet doorknob. Like all the times, Someone from the seven swords will be the one to fight against the demon to score orb crystals for them in the tourna
Zen was sleeping as he got a call from Ferra, he didn't wanted to pick it up but he picked it up anyway - ' What you need now? Didn't you had enough by fooling us!! Zen! Listen, i told you that was not what i did that for. I did all that to find what her motive was. Well then listen what her motive was, she wanted to kill me thats what her motive was and she wasn't able to finish it and now she will never be able to. What you mean never will be? Did you killed her, tell me? Why should i tell you anything, who keeps everything secret from us. Zen! You guys told me that you are with me and with due respect i am only alive because you all let me live and to keep on living like this and fool cluster, i have to tell him what happened to Sera.If i don't tell him he will never trust me again, so please. ' Just as she said that, Zen thought for a moment and ended up telling her all what happened.<
They both were looking at Linda holding Sera in the air by her throat who was covered in blood all over her face as everything around was destroyed too. Zen tried to approach Linda and looking at Linda he called for her, as she turned toward him. before this the moment when Linda reached here, She saw her closed house gate. She broke the door apart and entered the house, just as she stepped inside Sera woke up and sensed her immense raging aura and came downstairs. Linda saw her come downstairs and just right at that moment she went straight right toward her and stood in front of her, Sera just standing close to her felt nothing but terror. She couldn't even complete her last step to reach the ground floor as she was just at the second step and her other foot was in the air, she started shivering in fear. Linda showed her the dress and asked her ' what the fuck is this, You son of bitch!!!! Who sent you
Zen after hearing that felt a little strange but he didn't asked her anything and agreed that he won't open it alone , after this they all left her house as on the way Nina asked in angry mood what she was saying. Zen hearing her tone asked why she was like that now, As seeing things might get heated in between both of them.Ray intervened and said ' Nothing Zen, she is just angry because you weren't with us the whole time in the party. ' Zen apologised for that to everyone and told them that he tried to get out of there but no one let him, Nina was still mad as Zen hadn't still replied her question. They went to their homes after the party as Zen reached home too, After getting inside he wanted to open the gift and see what was inside it but knowing that Sera has told him to open it in front of Linda he restrained himself from opening it. Venda told him to open it but Zen told her that it he will be betraying Sera on her wo