Linda was ready to go full hand to hand with the demon form of Zen.
She was ready to fight him until her last breath.But the first thing she needed to was to get somewhere more far away from the city or someone might notice them and come to check.Though she had a idea that someone might have definitely seen Zen in the best form.Because he was oozing so much dark intent aura and was ravaging through everywhere as he was chasing her, as he kept screaming and she was also thrown many times which made huge noise of things breaking which she went through.So she thought it be best for them to go somewhere more far then this and she had decided that she will take Zen to the Close by Shore.Where they can fight without damaging anything and will be able to put through his intense aura that might kill anyone who might be passing by.So she she was ready to make a run for as soon as Zen return from the attack after recovering.As she was waiting he was didn't arrive, which led Linda believe that he might have gone somewhere else.So she went right toward the way she sent him flying as she was checking she made a big jump to analyse the area with more ease which led to her demise.She was hit by a huge impact from underneath her as it was the demon waiting for her to make a move and deal her a fatal blow.Linda saw it coming and was able to even block it properly but due to much power behind the attack she wasn't able to withstand the impact and all the damage that was dealt with that blow.She went flying up in the sky and threw up blood off her mouth as the hit made her organs suffer.She was flying toward the sky and Zen just came flying toward her with his wings.Linda saw him coming and was ready for the attack as she was going to do a counterattack but she predicted wrong as he went for her back, he was aiming to deal another blow from behind her which will result her in dropping down with a huge damage.He was faster then her and stronger but Linda is not a unskilled fighter and in the moment when he hit her from beneath her she realised that she isn't fighting just a wild beast but a wild hunter who finds his pray and let them get caught in his trap.As he came behind her she dodged his attack as she pushes herself in the mid air using her Dhyaan which allowed her using all the air pressure present in the sky.She was successfully able to dodge it but she can't fly, so she grabbed his wing as she was on his left.Right after grabbing his wing she climbed on his back and grabbed his neck.She got hold of his so tight that he kept trying but she wasn't letting it go.She was choking him as hard as she could.She knew that this will help her put an end to his strength for a while which he kept using to beat her up until now.She also was using her legs to grab his waist and bounded one of his wing around that.Which resulted in him getting unbalanced and they both start to fall down toward the ground and at an alarming speed.Demon was trying his all best to do something to make her break her hold, he put his claws in her arms and legs.He kept beating them again and again.But with her strong will power she kept on holding him tight and didn't let go of him up until the end.As she kept tightening her grip on his neck and waist he was suffering to even breathe and they were just about to touch the ground now.She was ready for the impact and He turned his side from the ground as linda was going to hit the ground first.But Linda let it be and kept doing what she was doing.She also would have tried to control his brain waves but due her all energy being diverted toward holding him and also using Dhyaan at the same time she knew that it would not work and she will just be wasting her energy doing it and loosing her focus on the thing at hand.As they were about to hit the ground Linda turned the tide upside down as she turned in a way that now both of their heads were going to hit the ground but Linda being over his head she was going to be the first to hit it.They both came thrashing into the ground with a huge impact which made a huge hole in the ground.For a while no movement was seen from the hole but just a little moment after a shadow through the dust that was covering the hole emerged.It was of a person but with wings.As that shadow came out, it was Zen that came out of that dust but Linda was still on his back as she was unharmed.She had undone her attacking Dhyaan form to protection cover which lead her safely end up ravaging in the ground without getting any damage to herself.But due to insane amount of pressure and damage the demon was breathing heavily and his condition was different from before.He was bleeding from his head and due to Linda not leaving her tight hold.It was getting difficult for him to stand still.His wing was even not in his control now due to one wing being under Linda's legs.He was in anger, much more anger and rage.In all his rage and anger he roared a huge and loud roar.Which made Linda doze for a moment, due to her being the closest to the source.In that moment when she dozed, her grip slipped a little and he was able to use that moment to his gain.He immediately grabbed her one arm with both of his hands and tried to break it apart from Linda's body.As he was pulling her arm downwards which was becoming more difficult for Linda to hold her grip and all the pain which was being cause due to the severe pulling was causing her being unable to maintain her concentration.She knew that if this keeps up she might end up loosing her arm and the result will not be in her favor even after that little sacrifice.So she loosened her grip from his waist and used her both feet to kick him from behind as hard as she could with her dhyaan focused on her feet and also at the same time she pulled her arm toward her or it would have been broken in that moment.He made Zen went thrashing through the ground and immediately started healing her arm.But she wasn't provided with much time as he returned with his full power again toward her dealt a lethal attack again and this attack was directed at her arm.As if he was trying to break her arm on purpose.She immediately backed off after being struck by that blow and her arm was in worse condition now.She doesn't have the time to heal it nor have the liberty let him attack her arm again.So she having one choice left, ran away as fast as she could toward the shore that she was going to take him before.As she looked behind and found out that he was following her.She kept going toward it but he was faster then her and was catching up to her really fast.She might not even be able to reach the shore and had to do something before that.She realised that and kept healing her arm on the way.As he got close enough in her range she hit him with a attack that he wouldn't have predicted to be hit with.She immediately herself in the air using the air pressure and making the use of that air pressure she hit him with the same way he did to her from underneath.Which lead him flying in the sky but due to his wing he was able to make a stop in the mid air.But he was late and thought Linda will do the same as coming back from him but Linda had another plan.She had ran away toward the shore right after hitting him.Which he was able to realise after he saw her going toward the same direction they were on before and in his anger he roared again toward her and started flying toward her with full speed.She was able to reach the shore just in time before him and made the preparations to deal with him.She was ready to take down a blood thirsty demon and put him into his place, so she can get back her only little brother she has.She had made the preparation to Kill the demon.She in her mind had sat that fighting him fair won't do her any kind of benefit so she was going to use some nasty techniques to put him down and if it comes to it even kill him.She was ready and was waiting for him to arrive as she kept healing her arm.Read next...Related Chapters
In the mean time when she was fighting with him.Inside of the mind of Zen who was still unconscious, someone was calling for him for the whole time. Venda who had vowed that she will make up to the trust that Zen put in her and she will become a asset to him.She has reached so deep in the unconsciousness of Zen and was still going on deeper and deeper. As she still hadn't find the core where his consciousness lies, so that she can bring it to its sense again and wake up zen. So that he will be able to control his powers and maybe then she will be able to rest along him. She knew that it might be in vein because for her there was no one outside who was trying to stop him as she doesn't know that Linda was fighting him the whole time. But still she wanted to do everything in her power to be able to useful to Zen in anyway possible in the times of his demise. As she kept going deeper she was seeing a light
Linda was hit by that giant destructive power of the sphere that was unleashed by the demon. She didn't even had the time to escape. She was lying unconscious there as the demon was looking over the hole he made. He was started to look where she was but she didn't found her, so he went close to look and as he got close he saw her arm there. He immediately went toward it and he landed on his feet. He grabbed her arm and picked her out of the sand. As he saw her passed out but not having any sense of knowledge and being mad in rage. He looked at her with so much anger, he was about to hit her so hard in the face as he reverted hi hand backward and was just about to punch her hard in the face. She was bleeding even before and if she were get hit by his attack this close. His destructive power will definitely kill her. She was about to be killed by the her own brother and she wasn't even
Then they both kept doing their own part and Demon kept struggling as he took a flight in the sky this time. Linda had no idea that she was in sky and Zen didn't told her. He kept flying as his control over the body started to fade away slowly and he come down to the ground crashing like a plane. Linda was hurt in the process to but she kept her cool and kept doing it without giving him even a single chance to get his control back. The situation was changing and they kept on going. It took them so much time but they were somehow able to revert his control so much low that only glimpse of him were left. Then was what Linda told Zen to do' quickly zen, try your hardest to revert back to lower levels. I will hold him for that time. ' He followed her lead and concentrated on visualising the gear. He was trying to do it but it was more difficult to pull back the liver this time.
Linda was discharged after 3 days as she recovered pretty quick, also Shawn mad sure she was healed by him properly over the time and in no time she was able to go home as she got discharged from the hospital. Zen welcomed Linda at home with a great celebration. He had decorated the whole house just for her return from the hospital and also to apologise what he did to her when he lost control over himself and turned into a demon. He had made food for both of them and the table was set for both of them. Linda kissed Zen on his forehead and said ' thank you for all this and don't be sorry i know it wasn't your fault. Now lets eat up, i am so hungry. The food in the hospital is real crappy. I never thought that being a patient sucks this much. It is really great be back home again.' They both sat on the table and had their food. As they were eating a ring was heard by them, Zen
Next day, Zen wakes up early in the morning and is ready to go for practice. After getting dressed, he went to Linda's room and knocked on it. As she replied ' I am coming just wait a minute and we are not going outside today so go down and practice your dhyaan for now. I will be there shortly.'Hearing that Zen went down and started concentrating on his dhyaan, now he was able to achieve it a little difficultly because the soothing of beach side was more comforting to him then being at home. Also he had put up an habit of Venda scolding him but she seems quite now as she has become more of a good partner to him. But still possess the same attitude. He was trying to get deep and deep into his mindset to release all the tension and accept the flow of energy through the whole course of body. Linda came down and saw him doing it, she stepped a little further and kept watching. Linda was
It happened five year in past from the present time. Linda just got out of her bed as she went to the kitchen downstairs and her whole family is waiting for her there. Father, mother and Zen. Lucas (his father) looks at her and says 'Good morning champ, how you slept' She replies ' it was great, but i am still putting up with the last nights training. Its difficult to fight with you when you are not holding back.' Her mother is a doctor. Mira ( her mother) says looking at both of them in turns' if lucas starts to hold back on you now, what will happen to the “bear girl” of the seven swords.' All of the three starts to laugh and Linda says in a slight anger ' Mom!! Don't say all that stuff, i hate when they call me that.I wanted be called a name just like dad “The dark troop ”. It has so much of a good ring to it. Putting that aside today i
Linda was sweating so much as she was running toward the same direction and she was so worried. She had her Dhyaan concentrated on searching for her dad but she was not able to yet feel his aura. She kept moving toward the same direction and was still not able to understand what was going on. She kept running toward the same direction for about half and hour and she realised that she was closing in to the area which a river lies that connects Ghastle to kalgesh.Though there have to be border patrol around the area but as she was about to enter the area, she didn't sense anyone around there. This made her more worried and she ran more faster. As she come into contact with a strange and insanely heavy aura, it was not coming from one person but many individuals. She stopped there as she got scared to enter their range, so she backed off right away and left that area and decreased her dhyaan's range. She th
Listening to the Linda's mind went into chaos, she immediately attacked the man as he grabbed his arm and with other hand punched in his belly with full force.The man felt that punch totally it made him spit all his larva out of his mouth as he leaned forward. Others didn't react to it nor Lucas. The men in the back said ' you have it coming Sam. Yeah it was obvious, you weren't even able to dodge it. Pathetic little runt! ' As sam looked toward her and as he tried to attack her but she overpowered him by tackling him to the ground. She pinned him down and was sitting on his back, she said' Leave my brother now or i will this fellow friend of you bastards' As one of them stood up in front as he came out of the shadow and said ' woah! woah! woah! Don't go making all assumptions on your own, beautiful. He might be our comrade but nowhere close to being frie
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Zen got on his knees and started to examine Maria and asked her if she was okay, Maria replied with spitting some blood out' Wh-why, why are you here? ' Zen replied ' What else! To help you Miss Maria. ' Christa and Ray arrived in the arena too as they asked Zen how Maria was, He told them she was fine but she had some severe injuries and need to be tend right away. The medical team came in the arena and putting Maria on the stretcher they started to carry her but before they could leave, Zen sensed something and he jumped right toward Maria as he struck with something by blocking it. That was an attack from Argon who was in rage and had gone mad, he wanted to kill Maria due to which he had charged at her. Shin said to the king that he will stop this immediately but King stopped him as he said to wait just a little more, Shin didn't understood why King said that but he kept put. Rey was also there seeing
Claire picked up the call and asked what Zen had to say at this time of Night, He asked if Claire was at the arena medical area or not. She told him that she wasn't as she was at her home, Zen felt a little disappointed but then he apologised to Claire for disturbing her. Before cut the call she asked him what he wanted to say, He told her about the situation as Claire told him that Argon was not that much seriously injured so he had left and wasn't in the arena medical care anymore. Zen thanked her for telling him that and cutting the call he asked Venda if she could find where Argon lives, Venda told him that Argon was not from the capital so he be living in the quarters arranged for Participants in the academy. Zen after knowing that, Snuck into the academy and started searching for Argon. He was well aware of the academy campus so he easily was going through all the rooms and was looking for Argon, just as he was looking for him
Zen turned around and Saw the king standing right behind him, Seeing him there Zen was shocked as he stood right away and Was about to say something but the king Putting a finger on his own mouth told him to keep silent and follow him. Zen was nervous as King might be taking him to scold for what he did, he followed King to the special corner which was reserved for the king where Shin was present too. King called him inside as he sat on his seat and asked Zen to shit with him, Zen aske if it was fine for him to sit with him. Shin got up and said ' Its fine, just do as what he says. ' Zen sat along Marcus and Then Marcus AskEd Zen ' So what's your name? ' Zen was a little confused, He thought the king knew who he was but him asking his name was a little weird but he had to answer so he told him his name. Marcus asked Zen why he jumped to save The participant, Zen replied that it was her Teacher which was
After a while they long awaited match of Miss Maria vs Argan came, They both came in the fighting arena and stood in front of each other. The fight was about to begin and the hearts of Zen and others were pounding hard as they were getting excited for the fight, The commentator announced the fighters name and then he started the fight. Argan with his strong fists enraged toward Maria but she with her fast pace dodged him as she countered on his attack by going left and grabbing his right arm to twist it and threw him right in the direction he was accelerating making a fine counterattack. Seeing this the commentator praised her and said that Argon was not as a ravaging beast as people make him off, He got thrown aside but managed to stop as he got up and looked at Maria who was coming toward him for another attack. Seeing her accelerating toward him argon quickly tried to got up and block her attack but before he knew she got past his block as
Ben asked Rey why he accepted himself as the representative fighter? Rey replied with a grin ' What you think? It will be amusing ofcourse, me beating the hell out of those damn demons and all the other swords seeing how great i am. ' Ben said with a straight face ' You got fucked didn't you in your own game!? ' Rey hearing that threw the glass of Wine he had on the ground in rage and stood up as the glass broke, Rey looked in front of him with rage and yelled ' Hella!!! Clean this shit up you fuckin bitch!! ' Just as he yelled, his cleaner Hella arrived in there and seeing Rey, her master in anger. She asked with hesitation what she have to do as she wasn't able to see the broken glass and the spilled wine on the ground due the anger of Rey.Rey hearing him ask what she has to do got more angry as he walked to her and grabbed her hair and took her to the spilled wine and showed her by yelling a
Linda was now takes time to train Zen on healing as the selections has ended, Zen was getting good at it slowly and slowly. Zen had kept himself in touch with Claire, he visits her once in a while. Ferra after this incident was told by Cluster to keep a good eye on Zen and Linda both and tell him if they happen to do anything. Linda burnt that dress, as she didn't wanted to keep it close to her anymore because it will make her remember that day which she want to get over with. Some days passed normally without any hindrance, Zen's academy classes and Siya's daycare as well as Linda's hospital work they all kept doing all the stuff in order. Before they knew the time came for the tournament to be held between people from ghastle and the Demon's of kirmada on the the centre planet doorknob. Like all the times, Someone from the seven swords will be the one to fight against the demon to score orb crystals for them in the tourna
Zen was sleeping as he got a call from Ferra, he didn't wanted to pick it up but he picked it up anyway - ' What you need now? Didn't you had enough by fooling us!! Zen! Listen, i told you that was not what i did that for. I did all that to find what her motive was. Well then listen what her motive was, she wanted to kill me thats what her motive was and she wasn't able to finish it and now she will never be able to. What you mean never will be? Did you killed her, tell me? Why should i tell you anything, who keeps everything secret from us. Zen! You guys told me that you are with me and with due respect i am only alive because you all let me live and to keep on living like this and fool cluster, i have to tell him what happened to Sera.If i don't tell him he will never trust me again, so please. ' Just as she said that, Zen thought for a moment and ended up telling her all what happened.<
They both were looking at Linda holding Sera in the air by her throat who was covered in blood all over her face as everything around was destroyed too. Zen tried to approach Linda and looking at Linda he called for her, as she turned toward him. before this the moment when Linda reached here, She saw her closed house gate. She broke the door apart and entered the house, just as she stepped inside Sera woke up and sensed her immense raging aura and came downstairs. Linda saw her come downstairs and just right at that moment she went straight right toward her and stood in front of her, Sera just standing close to her felt nothing but terror. She couldn't even complete her last step to reach the ground floor as she was just at the second step and her other foot was in the air, she started shivering in fear. Linda showed her the dress and asked her ' what the fuck is this, You son of bitch!!!! Who sent you
Zen after hearing that felt a little strange but he didn't asked her anything and agreed that he won't open it alone , after this they all left her house as on the way Nina asked in angry mood what she was saying. Zen hearing her tone asked why she was like that now, As seeing things might get heated in between both of them.Ray intervened and said ' Nothing Zen, she is just angry because you weren't with us the whole time in the party. ' Zen apologised for that to everyone and told them that he tried to get out of there but no one let him, Nina was still mad as Zen hadn't still replied her question. They went to their homes after the party as Zen reached home too, After getting inside he wanted to open the gift and see what was inside it but knowing that Sera has told him to open it in front of Linda he restrained himself from opening it. Venda told him to open it but Zen told her that it he will be betraying Sera on her wo