Zen making an confused face asked her
' what do mean by only you can see them? 'As she replied' what that means?That means i can see them because i am dead'Hearing that Zen turned around and tried to go outside but the girl grabbed him from his shoulder and turned him around her way as she looked at him with her strong look and said' i didn't meant it in that way, i am dead mean i have died once.It was when i was in my mothers womb, she was in hospital trying to give me birth but she couldn't bare the pain and died due to excess blood loss.The doctors realised that i also died along her but they took me out.But one of the doctor didn't lost their hope in me, she thought that there will be a way to save the life of the child atleast.So they took my out of my mothers womb and tried to treat me.I was not giving any response but that doctor didn't lost her hope.She kept trying and she was able to somehow make me cry.That means i was brought back to life again, after that day i was able to see the souls of people who roam around.After i become older, i met that doctor and told her how much owe her for saving my life.She was so happy to know that i was alive and well.I couldn't thank her enough.She was the best doctor and a women i have ever met, but 5 years ago she was killed.I broke apart as i got the news, i got to know that her own daughter was the one who killed her.I was so angry that i was going to kill her, but i didn't had the strength to do so.So i trained so hard to become strong and then came to the city to find her.But then i got to know that she was innocent, she didn't did anything like that.I lost the goal my goal which i came for, but then i thought to live here.I had a special talent thanks to the doctor so i thought to use it and live a good life.So i started ghost busting service, it was difficult at first but i was able to make it somehow.Now i live a good life, i came here to get this ghost which was in the girls bathroom.Then i met you.I told you my part now it is your turn.'As Zen heard her story he asked her a question' the doctor you told me about, by any chance was her name Mira and her daughter is Linda. 'As The girl got suprised and said' yeah it is how you know that, ohh what am i saying.She become quite popular after she was accused, so you will know for sure. 'Zen didn't said anything but felt so proud toward Mira, even though she wasn't his mother he felt like she was his own and the girl was praising his mother.As the girl waved her hand in front of Zen's eyes who was lost in thoughts and said' oyeee, what are you thinking.I asked you something. 'Zen looked at her and said' amm, you asked my why i can see ghost right.So i will tell you that but before that i have to go to give the physical test or i will be failed automatically.So just hold on to this for now. 'As the girl said' though i can't let this slide but seeing that having a exam for this academy is a big deal.I will let you go but i am coming with you.I don't want you to run away without telling me the secret.So don't think that you can get away from eyes. 'As Zen replied' fine, do whatever you wanna do.But before that let me check the ghost.One more thing why you were running from him, if you are hear to catch him 'The girl replied embarrassingly' i don't catch them i fulfil there wish and help them pass away.But i couldn't do what he wanted as his last wish.That old bastard of a ghost wanted to see my boobs and then feel them.So i ran away but he chased me. 'Zen hearing that felt embarrassed as his face become red and also the girl was embarrassed as she told him that.Then Zen looked outside the gate and checked if the ghost was around but seeing nothing.He went out and told her to stay inside.As he looked all over the corridor and then finding nothing he asked the girl to come out.As she come out with a little fear and looked around carefully.Then they both left the building as soon as they could.Zen told her that he was going to the physical exam point and she could wait at the main gate if she wanted to.But she told him that she will be watching his performance, so she was going to come with him.So they both went there and Nina came running toward Zen as she said' what are you doing, Zen.I thought you just left already after giving the written exam.The physical exam is already started and with people coming out with sad faces it looks like his test is difficult again this time.I am scared of what he is going to ask for us to do.Anyway who is this girl with you? 'As Zen was about to say something, but the girl yelled' Who am i, you don't know who i am.I can tell just looking at that small size of boob of yours that you have the same size of your brain.I am the great ghost buster, Ferra. 'Nina looked at her with a angry face and said' Zen, should i beat the crap out of this bitch. 'Zen stopped both of them from fighting and told Ferra to go and wait in the stands as they can't go inside due being an candidate for exam.So she went towards the stands with an attitude and left them both.Nina looked at her as she was going and said to Zen' who even she thinks she is ?What she meant by being a ghost buster, what type of position is that? 'As Zen replied' if i had known it before i would have been 100 feet away from her.Lets get inside and see what number we need to come up on. 'Nina replied' i checked it already, your is 270 and mine is 246.Its 232 now.I am so scared that i was thinking to leave the test and just go back home.But you are here now, so we can get failed together. 'As Zen replied' don't talk nonsense, you will do great.I know that, you have what it takes to be able to pass this.Don't think less of yourself and just keep your mind and eyes open while the test.It will be difficult but not impossible. 'Hearing his words gave Nina a light of hope coming from her dark thoughts which consumed her in fear.She turned her head downward and with a little blush on her face she said with a slow voice' ahm, thank you for cheering me up.I will do try my best.Lets go inside or we will loose our chance to even show up. 'As they both went inside and Nina's turn cane up, as she was going toward the exam point Zen told her all the best for the test.As she smiled and went in.After a while she came out, her face was not all cheerful but she didn't had a sad look either.Zen asked her how she did, as she told him' it was not all bad but i did my best, i put my mind into calm just as you said and did the same as what he asked.He didn't said anything and just asked for the next.But i guess he was satisfied with the performance. 'As Zen patted her head and said' Thats great to hear, Nina.I am sure he won't be able to fail a cute girl like you. 'Which made Nina blush even more and she in her embarrassment, shook his hand off and told him to stop doing that.Zen then asked her what type of task she was given, as she told him that' he told me to just max out my energy and concentrate it on a small piece of wood that was placed in front of me on a table.So i did the same but this time, i tried to be more calm and patient.As i did concentrated all my power on the small piece of wood, it just shacked a bit but nothing else happened.Then he just told me to go and called the next one. 'As Zen smiled and said' you did just what was needed to do.Good work. 'As she asked Zen what he meant and Zen told her' He told you to transfer your energy through the piece of wood, which you did and it only shacked a bit and nothing much happened.That means that you were able to concentrate only on the piece, which means that if you weren't able to do it properly the whole energy would have flowed down through the table too which the piece of wood was placed on.So your concentration was perfect and it was a good demonstration. So do not worry about anything, i am sure you will pass. 'As she heard it, there was no stopping her happiness.She jumped right at Zen and hugged him, as she kept saying thank you to him for helping her.Everyone around was seeing that and they came to ask Zen about their performance.He started to fulfil their queries and just as the time passed, his turn came up.He stood up as the Nina and others wished him All the best.He went straight inside and was standing in front of the examiner.Read next....Related Chapters
Zen stands in front of Renji the examiner and as soon as he entered Renji knew that Zen was the one who emitted the aura that all the academy felt before. He smiled a little looking down on his file which showed his name and which family he belonged to. As he looked at Zen who stood in front of him and said ' So tell me something before i start the test, Zen. You are Linda's brother, are you not? ' Zen hesitated for a second but then said ' yes i am, she is my older sister. ' As Renji then again asked ' But you are not suppose to be having any gear, so how come you are here and with that much power non the less. ' As Zen didn't knew what to say now, he was confused because he haven't prepared an answer to this situation. Even Nina asked him this but he didn't gave him any answer, so he thought of not telling him as he said ' Sir, with all due respect i will like to keep that
As they all to Zen and picked him up. They all started cheering for him as he did something insane and they all were so happy to see that happen. Tears dropped off Nina's eyes as she felt so much happy for Zen as he did something so incredible, that she had never thought that he was this much capable. As they all were cheering for him Headless in the midst of the situation, left the place and ran away before Zen noticed him. Ferra was also cheering for him as she was also there with others who have lifted up Zen, as she looked at him and said ' i don't know what you did, but that was something amazing. ' As Zen looked at her and he started laughing. Renji's assistant was also shocked to see it, but he was more shocked to see the look on Renji's face. Renji was making a scary face as he was smiling but had so much anger in in his eyes. As he stood up and his assistant backed off. He lo
Zen reaches his home with Nina where linda was waiting for him, as they both enter the house and Nina kept asking Zen about how he was able to have gear as he kept ignoring her on that part. They both enter the house and Linda opens the door before he could even do it himself. As she opens the door and says ' welcome home, zen. Huh, Nina? ' As she sees Nina and looks at Zen with a surprise look. Nina waves at Linda and says her greeting to her ' Hey big sis Linda, its been so long since i have seen you.' As she greets her too and asks them to enter the house. As they all enter the house and sits down in the living room. Linda brought some juice and snacks for them to have and settle down with them as she says' its a surprise from your side Nina, how you met Zen. I thought your family was living in the north side, so how come. ' As Nina looked at Linda wit
Zen woke up with someone calling for him, he thought it was Venda so he told her to stop with his inner voice. But Venda replied ' its not me, dumb bastard. Do you not see any difference in the voice. ' As he tried to open his eyes and saw Nina bend toward him as he could see her cleavage right in front of his eyes. He startled and got up as he was on the couch. He looked at Nina as she was looking at him with her curious eyes, he said ' you are up early. ' As Nina said' i am but i didn't realise that you were sleeping tight. Linda told me to wake you up but as i saw you sleeping i couldn't hold myself and i just did that.' As Zen looked at her with his stressful full and said ' Did what? What did you do to me? ' As Nina replied with a cunning smile on her face ' you want to know what i did. I won't tell you. You will found out eventually. ' As replied with a straight face' fine. ' As he went toward the bathroom and closed the door. Nina got left in the living room
As he asked Venda ' you are kidding aren't you? ' As Venda replied with a sarcastic voice ' Nah, not kidding at all. This is what it says, if you don't trust me just check it yourself on your phone.Your will find out. ' As Zen picked up his phone and was about to check it, as he just got a call from Linda. After Picking it up, the first thing Linda said was ' what's up Aura Freak, how's your training going on. ' As listening to that Zen replied' so its true huh, Venda was not lying about it. ' As Linda replied ' you know already, its great. So you should know that too, that you have to go the academy to get your self rolled in. So get your ass back here and get ready to so we can go. ' As zen replied ' what do you mean, to be rolled in? ' As Linda replied ' what does rolled in mean to you, its obvious that
After everything was done, they were driving back home. As Linda was going on about how much she wanted to beat the shit out of Renji. But she Didn't, because Nina stopped her. Ferra also adding fuel to it kept saying that she would have let her beat him, as the bastard deserved it. Nina looking at Ferra said ' Shut your mouth and anyway you went with us to do something of your own didn't you. But i didn't saw you go anywhere, you left us for not even a second. So you were lying just because you wanted to cone along.' As hearing that Ferra looked out of the window as she said ' huh, i am so fast that you didn't knew when i went and done my work. Thats why you don't have boobs sister. ' Nina snapped after hearing that and she started fighting with her in the backseat.Linda told them to stop as she kept driving and her attention went toward Zen who was sitting beside
But before we get to the point where Zen went to the kitchen and saw whatever there was. Lets rewind a little bit and see what happened after they had dropped Ferra at her home. Ferra opened her house gate and as she entered the house she heard a voice ' So how it went, did Sera played her part well or not? ' As Ferra replied ' yes master, everything went just as you planned. Even better then what you had foreseen. Zen fell in love with Sera in just his first meeting. 'As the voice replied ' great work done by Sera, i was worried what will happen due to her being a hot headed. Thats why i told you to keep watch over her.Keep watch over Him until i give you further orders. ' Ferra bowed her head as she said ' i am at your command master. ' To know what she is, here is quick rewind what happened . The time when Zen told Headless to go away before
As Zen and Venda were surprised after hearing from the soul and were amazed that they were actually able to get through. As they had realised that the voice was of a small kid or a girl. So Zen knew that he had to talk politely. As he spoke ' I will not harm you, i just want to know what your last wish was. So i can fulfil it and you will be able to get free. ' Hoping for an answer he stopped talking, as answer came ' I just want to eat, you not harm me. Promise. ' Hearing that Zen replied ' You can eat whatever you want, i promise i won't hurt you. So now i will let go off you don't run away.I will take you to the kitchen and make you something delicious. So be calm and don't do anything or run away. Do you understand. ' As Venda said to Zen ' what are you going to do, are you out of your mind. He is a soul, who kn
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Zen got on his knees and started to examine Maria and asked her if she was okay, Maria replied with spitting some blood out' Wh-why, why are you here? ' Zen replied ' What else! To help you Miss Maria. ' Christa and Ray arrived in the arena too as they asked Zen how Maria was, He told them she was fine but she had some severe injuries and need to be tend right away. The medical team came in the arena and putting Maria on the stretcher they started to carry her but before they could leave, Zen sensed something and he jumped right toward Maria as he struck with something by blocking it. That was an attack from Argon who was in rage and had gone mad, he wanted to kill Maria due to which he had charged at her. Shin said to the king that he will stop this immediately but King stopped him as he said to wait just a little more, Shin didn't understood why King said that but he kept put. Rey was also there seeing
Claire picked up the call and asked what Zen had to say at this time of Night, He asked if Claire was at the arena medical area or not. She told him that she wasn't as she was at her home, Zen felt a little disappointed but then he apologised to Claire for disturbing her. Before cut the call she asked him what he wanted to say, He told her about the situation as Claire told him that Argon was not that much seriously injured so he had left and wasn't in the arena medical care anymore. Zen thanked her for telling him that and cutting the call he asked Venda if she could find where Argon lives, Venda told him that Argon was not from the capital so he be living in the quarters arranged for Participants in the academy. Zen after knowing that, Snuck into the academy and started searching for Argon. He was well aware of the academy campus so he easily was going through all the rooms and was looking for Argon, just as he was looking for him
Zen turned around and Saw the king standing right behind him, Seeing him there Zen was shocked as he stood right away and Was about to say something but the king Putting a finger on his own mouth told him to keep silent and follow him. Zen was nervous as King might be taking him to scold for what he did, he followed King to the special corner which was reserved for the king where Shin was present too. King called him inside as he sat on his seat and asked Zen to shit with him, Zen aske if it was fine for him to sit with him. Shin got up and said ' Its fine, just do as what he says. ' Zen sat along Marcus and Then Marcus AskEd Zen ' So what's your name? ' Zen was a little confused, He thought the king knew who he was but him asking his name was a little weird but he had to answer so he told him his name. Marcus asked Zen why he jumped to save The participant, Zen replied that it was her Teacher which was
After a while they long awaited match of Miss Maria vs Argan came, They both came in the fighting arena and stood in front of each other. The fight was about to begin and the hearts of Zen and others were pounding hard as they were getting excited for the fight, The commentator announced the fighters name and then he started the fight. Argan with his strong fists enraged toward Maria but she with her fast pace dodged him as she countered on his attack by going left and grabbing his right arm to twist it and threw him right in the direction he was accelerating making a fine counterattack. Seeing this the commentator praised her and said that Argon was not as a ravaging beast as people make him off, He got thrown aside but managed to stop as he got up and looked at Maria who was coming toward him for another attack. Seeing her accelerating toward him argon quickly tried to got up and block her attack but before he knew she got past his block as
Ben asked Rey why he accepted himself as the representative fighter? Rey replied with a grin ' What you think? It will be amusing ofcourse, me beating the hell out of those damn demons and all the other swords seeing how great i am. ' Ben said with a straight face ' You got fucked didn't you in your own game!? ' Rey hearing that threw the glass of Wine he had on the ground in rage and stood up as the glass broke, Rey looked in front of him with rage and yelled ' Hella!!! Clean this shit up you fuckin bitch!! ' Just as he yelled, his cleaner Hella arrived in there and seeing Rey, her master in anger. She asked with hesitation what she have to do as she wasn't able to see the broken glass and the spilled wine on the ground due the anger of Rey.Rey hearing him ask what she has to do got more angry as he walked to her and grabbed her hair and took her to the spilled wine and showed her by yelling a
Linda was now takes time to train Zen on healing as the selections has ended, Zen was getting good at it slowly and slowly. Zen had kept himself in touch with Claire, he visits her once in a while. Ferra after this incident was told by Cluster to keep a good eye on Zen and Linda both and tell him if they happen to do anything. Linda burnt that dress, as she didn't wanted to keep it close to her anymore because it will make her remember that day which she want to get over with. Some days passed normally without any hindrance, Zen's academy classes and Siya's daycare as well as Linda's hospital work they all kept doing all the stuff in order. Before they knew the time came for the tournament to be held between people from ghastle and the Demon's of kirmada on the the centre planet doorknob. Like all the times, Someone from the seven swords will be the one to fight against the demon to score orb crystals for them in the tourna
Zen was sleeping as he got a call from Ferra, he didn't wanted to pick it up but he picked it up anyway - ' What you need now? Didn't you had enough by fooling us!! Zen! Listen, i told you that was not what i did that for. I did all that to find what her motive was. Well then listen what her motive was, she wanted to kill me thats what her motive was and she wasn't able to finish it and now she will never be able to. What you mean never will be? Did you killed her, tell me? Why should i tell you anything, who keeps everything secret from us. Zen! You guys told me that you are with me and with due respect i am only alive because you all let me live and to keep on living like this and fool cluster, i have to tell him what happened to Sera.If i don't tell him he will never trust me again, so please. ' Just as she said that, Zen thought for a moment and ended up telling her all what happened.<
They both were looking at Linda holding Sera in the air by her throat who was covered in blood all over her face as everything around was destroyed too. Zen tried to approach Linda and looking at Linda he called for her, as she turned toward him. before this the moment when Linda reached here, She saw her closed house gate. She broke the door apart and entered the house, just as she stepped inside Sera woke up and sensed her immense raging aura and came downstairs. Linda saw her come downstairs and just right at that moment she went straight right toward her and stood in front of her, Sera just standing close to her felt nothing but terror. She couldn't even complete her last step to reach the ground floor as she was just at the second step and her other foot was in the air, she started shivering in fear. Linda showed her the dress and asked her ' what the fuck is this, You son of bitch!!!! Who sent you
Zen after hearing that felt a little strange but he didn't asked her anything and agreed that he won't open it alone , after this they all left her house as on the way Nina asked in angry mood what she was saying. Zen hearing her tone asked why she was like that now, As seeing things might get heated in between both of them.Ray intervened and said ' Nothing Zen, she is just angry because you weren't with us the whole time in the party. ' Zen apologised for that to everyone and told them that he tried to get out of there but no one let him, Nina was still mad as Zen hadn't still replied her question. They went to their homes after the party as Zen reached home too, After getting inside he wanted to open the gift and see what was inside it but knowing that Sera has told him to open it in front of Linda he restrained himself from opening it. Venda told him to open it but Zen told her that it he will be betraying Sera on her wo