Chapter 36

A few days had passed, in the dead of the night.

It was the time for departure.

Right now, Jin is with Yuro and Kaster, their body is covered by robes.

There are at least 24 people here, most of them are from the Lan clan, while there are two from the Rayki clan and two from the Su clan.

Right now, everyone is wearing a mask, so, only a few could really tell who the other person is.

With that, they used the secret door to the south and stealthily rushed out of the gates.

Unlike them though, Jin was a special case, for some reason, Yuro and another one from the Su clan grabbed him in the shoulder as they dashed away.

It was only about two minutes, but they couldn't even see the city anymore, only the light that came from it.

They rushed even more and only stopped after 30 minutes.

There were four people that was tasked to erase their tracks, while the rest just kept on following Kaster.

As soon as they made sure that they were far enough, everyone took off their mask.

Then, two of the
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